Happy Valentine’s Day!!
While there will no doubt be LOTS of love and relationship chat everywhere you go today.
From the radio, tv adverts, social media, friends, the office, etc.
Today, I just wanted to get you to think about the most important relationship you’ll EVER have.
That relationship, is the one you have with yourself.
Because the relationship you have with yourself will set the tone for EVERY other relationship you have.
Your parents, children, other family members, friends, colleagues, new people you meet.
Therefore, it’s essential to make yourself a priority and show YOU some love.
But I get it.
It’s not always easy.
Infact LOADS of people struggle with self-love and self-worth and as a result.
** Don’t feel happy in themselves.
** Don’t have the best relationships with others.
** Don’t attend social events.
** Feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety.
** And simply aren’t living the life they want or deserve through fear and self-doubt.
One of the BIGGEST reasons for this is negative self-talk.
What you think – you become (read that again).
Tell yourself something often enough and over time you’ll begin to believe it, despite it simply being your thoughts….not a fact.
This works the same with positive self-talk!!
So….here’s a little Valentine’s Day Challenge to help you get started.
Each time you say something negative about yourself in any capacity – Do 5 squats!!
Right there, right then no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
This will be a physical reminder of how often you criticize or put yourself down.
Find yourself squatting alot?
Then that’s a GOOD indicator you need to try change the way you speak to yourself and make your vocabulary more positive.
Because if you can begin to change that.
You’ll begin to feel happier, more confident and start loving (instead of loathing) that person looking in the mirror.
1. Give the challenge a go for one day.
2. Aim to beat yourself the next day = less squats.
3. Repeat.
(Until you no longer need to squat or until you can flip that negative chat straight into positive).
Changing your mindset is NOT something that will magically happen overnight but putting in an effort each day means that over time – you will get there!!
Lee ‘sprinkling self love & positive vibes’ Donald x
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