I hope you had a good weekend.
Today I just wanted to share 2 important things with you.
1. To help you realise that despite being your own problem, you’re also your solution.
Let me explain.
If you’ve been abit lost this year.
If you’ve been comfort eating and put on weight.
If you’ve hit the bottle trying to cope.
If you’ve secluded yourself by trying to bury your head in the ground.
It may feel like an upward struggle and that everything is against you but you still have choices.
** Try setting yourself some mini goals each day to help kickstart your motivation and purpose.
** Realise happiness is not found in the fridge or bottom of a bottle and try swapping these negative coping mechanisms with a positive one such as exercise.
** Remember everyone needs a support network and the best way to get through this is to help each other out – especially on those extra tough days.
** Reach out to friends/family to support them (helping others is incredibly rewarding) and allow them to support you.
No matter what’s happening in the world, life is always what you make it.
2. To show you the last you read is sentence 100% true.
Meet MAX Experience member Nic.
Despite all the craziness this year,
Nic got married recently and is physically and mentally in the best place she’s ever been!!
Here’s how she made that happen:
“I joined The MAX Experience in September 2019 and so glad I did.
I’m 53 yrs old and been there, done that, with all the quick fix diets over the years and I know they don’t work.
The MAX Experience DOES.
Lee encourages you to do what you can, when you can, with the knowledge that small lifestyle changes will slowly become part of your life.
These small changes then equal better and lasting results!
Lee’s personality, smile, zest for life and drive to help is amazing and her passion to make women be a ‘better version of themselves’ totally inspires me.
Even though I live far away, I still get full support and encouragement from her and the friendly community of women she’s created.
As a result, I’ve changed my eating habits which I learned is not difficult and just takes a bit of planning and effort.
The right balance and portion is key!
I also now know, water is life – drink lots of it.
That’s been my hardest challenge, however, Lee has taught me, that by planning and being accountable for my daily intake I will and have improved.
For the last six months I’ve progressed steadily.
With being in lockdown and the prospect of getting married, I’ve worked really hard at my healthy eating and fitness.
I’ve lost 11 lbs in total, 3 inches off my hips, 3 inches off my waist and an inch off my bust.
I feel toned, full of energy and my skin is glowing!
Updating ‘My Fitness Pal’ has also kept me on track.
I feel so content, happy and confident.
I’m in a routine now, got married 2 weeks ago and can honestly say, I’m in the best place I’ve ever been both physically and mentally feel fit fantastic 😊”
Absolutely incredible Nic, so proud of you!!
If you’d like to see how The MAX Experience can change your life.
Tap the link below and enjoy a 7 Day FREE Trial or sign up for only £5 pw (cancel anytime).
Lee ‘loves helping others’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training