I hope you’re having a great week.
Just a little heads up to say – it’s ‘officially’ confirmed.
This Saturday 7th July,
I’ll be revealing the TWO lucky winners of my ‘Sizzling Sexy Summer Competition’ LIVE on my Facebook page @ 10am!!
So if you haven’t already,
Make sure you’re in it to win it, set a reminder and get excited : )
It’s free, easy and there’s an AMAZING prize up for grabs for both you and a friend.
Simply head to my Facebook Page and check out the 1st video.
Lee’s FaceBook Page:
If you’re thinking…
‘Hmm why should I bother Lee?’
I’ll be honest.
If you’re NOT interested in losing weight and toning up.
– This prize is not for you.
If you’re NOT interested in doing something for YOU this Summer especially while the kids are on holiday.
– This prize is not for you.
If you’re not interested in having EVERYTHING you need to change your life, right at your finger tips including your very own PT.
– This prize is not for you.
However, if you’re thinking…
‘ehhhh – YES please Lee’.
Make sure you hit that link above and enter.
Here’s a sneaky peak of what you can expect:
Lee ‘revealing the winners soon’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training