Woaaah – it’s finally here.
The last day of November.
Yup, tomorrow we officially enter the most festive month of the year when everything gets 10x more exciting buuuut also super busy and stressful.
If you’d like a little help to alleviate a big chunk of that stress, don’t worry I’ve got you covered.
Pre-Registration to The MAX Experience opens tomorrow @ 7pm.
What is that Lee?
How does it work?
Why should I be interested?
Check it out:
If you’re already part of the Team, you’ll know exactly amazing The MAX Experience is.
Stay tuned for LOADS of challenges and fun to kickstart the year.
If you’re still sitting on the fence and not quite sure whether to pre-register or not.
Check out what Max Member Fiona said:
‘Since joining The MAX Experience, I’ve become more motivated and much more committed to changing my health & fitness.
I’ve more energy, confidence and look forward to the workouts which are great for all levels.
Lee’s very supportive and inspiring, wish I’d signed up long before I did!
Thank you Lee, I’m looking forward to future journey with you and the Team’.
The MAX Experience isn’t just about losing weight and getting fitter.
It’s about giving you the right help & support to achieve life long, lasting results.
Having more energy, confidence, enjoying exercise and feeling more motivated/committed are so important and something I’m excited to help everyone who jumps onboard experience.
It’s super simple.
Pre-Register tomorrow.
Save a whopping 50%.
Stay tuned on 31st December when I’ll be in touch personally to give you everything you need to get started.
Thank yourself for it in January!
Just a heads up.
I like to keep the level of support I provide high, therefore only a LIMITED number of places are available.
I’ll be posting the sign up link on my social media (channels below).
If we’re not already, then let’s get connected.
And if you’d like to secure a place, just make sure to hit that link before everybody else.
Pre-Registration will open for 7 days only and close on Tuesday 8th December @ 7pm.
Last year, all places sold out before I had the chance to close the doors.
The next chance to pre-register will be December next year!!
If you’d like to have a plan of action in place to jumpstart January and help you bounce back stronger than ever in 2021 without having to diet or join a gym.
It doesn’t get better than this!
Lee ‘preparing to launch’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training