OK we’ll maybe wait till Thursday to crack open that bottle of bubbly but I just wanted to share some rather EXCITING news with you.
Despite only HALF of UK businesses successfully making it to the 5 year mark (how crazy is that?!)
I’m super happy to say…
Lee Donald Personal Training has BEATEN those odds and this Thursday 26th May will officially be celebrating 5 successful years in business.
Woop Woop!!
And to think…
It all started 5 years ago from my mum’s living room (thank you mum!) with only ONE kettlebell and client to my name.
Two years later I got married, bought a house with my beautiful wife and now operate from a fully equipped, purpose-built fitness cabin on my OWN property, have earned 4 business awards oh and just become a mum!!
That sentence kinda makes it all sound simple, however as the wrinkles on my forehead can confirm
It’s been an amazing but very CHALLENGING journey both personally and professionally but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Being able to help people change their lives for the BETTER is my passion and something I LOVE doing.
Now I’ve become a mum, it’s opened up a whole NEW meaning to the words challenge and love, lol.
‘Yeah but you’re just one of those people who are naturally fit and motivated’
Haha I wish.
Nope, I’m just like everyone else who’s had to FIGHT their way through life to get where they want to be.
On a PERSONAL level…
I’ve had to face some of my BIGGEST fears and overcome obstacles I actually never thought were possible.
(Thank you family for helping me through!).
To be honest, I count myself LUCKY each day just to be alive (literally).
If you want to know WHY click on the link below and have a little read.
It doesn’t get much more personal than THIS!!
(excuse the long link)
From reaching my FULL client capacity for Personal Training in just over
6 months of operating.
Creating, teaching and TRADEMARKING (exciting moment alert) 3 unique and exclusive women only fitness classes called The BodyMax Network.
Creating an EXCLUSIVE online membership area with 70 HIIT workouts and counting called The MAX Experience.
And offering 6 Week Nutrition Plans…
It’s been equally as challenging but I’ve given the last 5 years my absolute EVERYTHING.
I’ve been WAAAAY out my comfort zone on so many occasions I can’t count and I’ve also made mistakes but hey,
At the end of the day – it’s always WORTH it!!
I get nervous and scared about change just like YOU but I know you always get out what you put in.
If I want to be the very BEST at what I do and continue to help people like you be best YOU can possibly be…
I need to pull up my big girl panties and just DO IT!
It’s sooo important to try new things, keep learning, keep pushing and never give up because THAT is the key to your success.
And that’s your HOMEWORK (yes homework) this week : )
Whatever it is,
However BIG or SMALL I want you to ‘step out your comfort zone’
You might only do it once, maybe twice but hopefully you’ll build up to doing it on a DAILY basis.
And tell me about what you did.
Tweet me, facebook me, email me – I’d LOVE to know!!
And just incase you DIDN’T click on that long link to get personal with me, I’m going to leave you with this.
Moral of the Story:
THE only person who can ever make you happy is YOU!!
YOU have to want to change MORE than you want to stay the same.
YOU have to believe there’s no limit to what you can DO, can CHANGE, can BECOME.
Here’s some other things I’ve learned along the way:
1. There’s NO quick fix.
2. It’s ok NOT to feel ok.
3. We ALL have to start somewhere.
4. You can’t control EVERYTHING in life.
5. There’s ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel.
6. Helping others releases and AMAZING feeling inside.
7. MENTAL health is just as important as physical health.
8. Sometimes we go backwards BEFORE moving forwards.
9. Never underestimate the POWER of a support network.
10. LISTEN to your body – if it needs something, it will tell you.
11. There’s no better substitute for feeling good about yourself and sleeping like a baby than a HEALTHY diet and REGULAR exercise.
Lee ‘feeling thankful’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training