Having fallen off the radar and not blogged for over 2 weeks, you may be thinking:
‘Lee – where the heck have you been?’
On Saturday 4th May @ 7.10am my world got flipped upside down (in a good way) when the Baby Boss finally arrived and my wife gave birth our beautiful son.
There’s not been much sleep had and will be adding ‘Nappy Changing Pro’ to my resumé but it’s an INCREDIBLE feeling to now be a family of 4.
As wonderful as that feeling is, I’m not gonna lie.
I’m not superhuman.
– To single handedly run a busy business.
– Train for the OCR European Championships in Poland (5 weeks away).
– Head to Glasgow for Scotland’s Business Awards National Grand Final this Sunday.
– Look after a recovering wife, the Mini Boss (my 3 year old) and now add a 2 week old to the mix.
Things have been pretty stressful.
Routine out of whack, not able to train at my usual times, OCD into overdrive and one hurdle building upon another.
Life is always 10% of what happen to us and 90% how we CHOOSE to deal with it.
Time to PLAN like a boss.
Set goals.
Make lists.
Give 100%
Increase caffeine levels : )
Fill my head with POSITIVE thoughts.
Eject the negative ones.
Enjoy all the precious moments I can.
And remember every day I get to choose whether it’s a good one or bad one.
No matter how busy or stressful things get or what life throws at you.
When you choose to think positively and always look for solutions instead of problems.
The world becomes a much HAPPIER place to live.
This applies to everything and everyone.
And now I’m officially back in the office with my positive head screwed firmly on, I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things.
Cue weekly blogs, motivation, support, recipes, workouts, discounts, challenges and everything I can give you to help you hit your goals.
And hey,
If you need a little extra help and interested in Personal Training, my Fitness Classes or The MAX Experience (my online health, fitness & nutrition hub), just get in touch.
I’d love to hear from you.
Lee ‘choosing to have a good day Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training