How’s your 1st week of December going?
I suspect it’s a super busy time for EVERYONE right now.
From Christmas shopping, juggling work, home life, figuring our where that friggin Elf on the self is going next to organising the finer details of Christmas Day.
Try adding exercise, boosting your mental health, feeling motivated and making progress with your goals in there too.
Sounds impossible right?
But, that’s exactly what’s happening inside The MAX Experience right now.
‘How’s that possible Lee?’
Because the main reasons people FAIL to achieve their weightloss or fitness goals is:
1️⃣ Time.
2️⃣ Motivation.
3️⃣ Lack of support.
(setting unrealistic goals, poor knowledge, no accountability, no coaching, etc).
However, inside The MAX Experience I’ll show you:
✅ How to keep things simple.
It’s the basics that will have the BIGGEST effect on your progress.
✅ How to save precious time.
By knowing what to focus on and what actually matters along with the right kind of workouts and without having to leave the house, it will help save you loads of time as well as fast track your results.
✅ How to boost your motivation.
By having ACCOUNTABLITY to take action on those basics and making achieving them, not only manageable but also enjoyable!
When things are simple, don’t take long and you have accountability, it’s much easier to be successful and move forward.
If you haven’t jumped onboard yet.
If you’d like to kick off 2024 knowing you’ll have ALL the help you need to look good & feel amazing this coming year.
I’ve got you covered but places are filling up FAST!!
How does it work?
Pre-register now.
Save 50% off.
Start January.
Doors close tomorrow @ 8pm, however suspect places may be SOLD OUT before then!!
My best advice is to grab the opportunity now before somebody else does : )
If you’ve already signed up and I’ve personally sent you an email, don’t worry – you’re in!!
Lee ‘preparing to close the doors’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training