Last couple of days of Feb and beginning of March next week – ooooft, the statistics don’t look good!
Infact I want to help YOU and as many people as possible stick your fingers up to those statistics that say YOU are going to QUIT and give up on your goals!!
So….I’ve created a challenge for EVERYONE and anyone to get involved with.
What can YOU expect?
To burn an INSANE amount of calories, MELT bodyfat and get as much BANG for your buck as possible.
To cater for those who can’t do high impact stuff.
To bust the MYTH weights make women big and bulky,
To make you STRONGER and realize weight / resistance training plays a super important part in FATLOSS, sculpting your body and improving your overall health and fitness.
You should be ’cause by then of March you are gonna be SHHHMOKIN’!!
If you didn’t ‘Jump Start January’
Feel good in ‘Feel Good Feb’.
Then NOW is your chance to ‘Make it Happen’ in March!!
The ‘Make it Happen March’ Challenge 2016
Begins – Mon 29th Feb.
Ends – Fri 1st April.
6 Exercises
40secs ON / 10secs OFF
Repeat x2 (10mins) or x4 (20mins)
Equipment – Dumbells.
You can purchase DB’s really cheap from places like Argos.
Plus once you see the BANGING results from this challenge they’ll be worth EVERY penny.
However you CAN also do this without any DB’s.
(water bottles are a good substitute).
1. Take a picture (front /side/back) before you begin.
2. Take measurements (waist, hips, largest part of thigh / arm).
3. Clear your cupboards of crap and think PROTEIN at each meal.
4. Do this challenge a minimum of 3 times per week
(Whether it’s 10mins or 20mins = 15 times for the month)
5. Take a your picture and measurements again on your LAST day.
Even if it’s just your measurements, send me your progress.
I’d LOOOVE to hear how you get on!!
Your Exercises:
1. Squat + Punch (alt)
2. Stepping Burpee + Press UP x2
3. Lunge (Forward or Rev)
4. Plank Row x2L/R
5. Chop.
6. Stepping Burpee + Press Up x1 + Knee Twist x2
And guess what?
Here’s a VIDEO so we can workout together and you know EXACTLY what you’re doing.
You don’t even have to time yourself, I’m here to count and MOTIVATE you all the way.
I’ve made it as EASY as possible for you to get in shape, own a BANGING body and feel AAAAMAZEBALLS.
ONE last question…
Are YOU in??
Lee ‘rather excited about all this’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training