Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve!! ( I think that’s right, lol).
Just a little heads up incase you think I’ve disappeared somewhere.
Next Monday is Christmas Day (crazy huh?!) and the Monday after is New Years Day so there will be no usual Monday blog.
However, I’ll be back in the office on Monday 8th January 2024.
If you pre-registered to The MAX Experience, don’t worry I’ll be in touch on Wednesday 3rd January as promised.
But…before it all gets even crazier than it is now.
I wanted to say a big THANK YOU!
For opening my blogs each week, whether you’ve just started or been reading them for years.
I know life can be stressful sometimes and this year has tested everyone in so many ways.
From juggling family life, work life, relationships, trying to lose weight, hit your goals to protecting your mental health and all the challenges faced with the cost of living.
But hopefully the motivation, tips, workouts, recipes and everything else I’ve shared have helped you somehow along the way.
I also hope you have the best Christmas you can.
Whether you’re following tradition or whether things are a little ‘different’ from other years, making the most of what you have is something I’m a firm believer in.
And don’t worry,
I’ll be there for you in the New Year.
To help you get back on track, support you, motivate you and make 2024 as healthy, happy and successful as possible.
Until then relax….enjoy….and be Merry
Lee ‘over and out for 2023’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training