If you’re like me and consumed a LARGER amount of calories than usual this past w/e.
You’ll be in need of some quick and simple tips to make getting back on that wagon feel as painless as possible.
Oh and I also have a short, easy to follow fat blasting workout for you to help burn away those extra calories and get your beach bod on point.
But first, those tips.
1. Don’t stress or beat yourself up about what’s happened
You can’t change it and dwelling on it will only make you miserable so focus on the things you CAN control.
2. You’re in control
The level of your success is dependent on the EFFORT you’re willing to put in.
And the effort you’re willing to put in is entirely up to you.
If you’re serious about losing weight, getting fitter, feeling more confident or whatever your goals are – let’s make it happen!
3. Plan
Reaching your goals won’t happen by chance.
Make a plan and stick to it.
If it’s written down, it’s MUCH more likely to happen and get done.
Fall off plan? – Read no.1 & 2 again.
4. Get back on that water.
Aim for at least 2 litres daily but if you’re nowhere near that just try to consume a little more each day till you get there.
Curbs cravings, gives you more energy, flushes out toxins and helps you simply look and feel better.
5. Calorie deficit for the win
Whether it’s your jelly belly, bingo wings or muffin top.
The one and only way to lose weight = a calorie deficit.
The one and only way to target problem areas = a calorie deficit
Using MyFitnessPal (free app to download) is a really easy way to ensure you’re in a calorie deficit but if you’re not a fan of that just use abit of common sense.
Don’t eat like a twat.
3 meals and 2 snacks would be a good guideline for many.
You can also use your hand for an idea of portion size:
6. Pump in the protein & veg
The reason may of us overeat is simply because we’re not full and therefore experience more cravings.
Protein helps to keep us FULLER for longer and amazing the difference you’ll notice when your protein levels are on point.
Doing a quick Google search of high protein snacks, meals, etc can be really useful.
Adding veg to the mix means you’ll also increase your fibre and be able to enjoy a bigger plate with LESS calories.
7. Get your butt moving
Burning calories doesn’t just happen when we workout.
EVERYTHING you do throughout the day counts.
This is known as your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis).
And this is where 10,000 steps come in.
Even if you don’t get a workout in – get moving.
8. Quick home workouts is where it’s at
Let’s face it, who’s NOT busy these days?!
Spending time (never mind money) going to a gym means you have LESS time to spend working out, with your family or anything else you like doing.
That’s why so many women worldwide (especially busy mums) love my online health, fitness and nutrition hub – The MAX Experience.
Each workout is only 10mins making it easy to fit into any busy schedule.
And it just so happens and I have a cheeky little taster from our ‘MAX Low Impact’ section.
Prepare to get your heart pumpin’, melt away those wobbly bits and get as much ‘bang for your buck’ as possible.
Grab your workout clothes, put your trainers on and let’s get your beach bod rockin’!
Without a doubt.
If you want to shift unwanted bodyfat and sculpt your body in the FASTEST amount of time…
Short, high intensity workouts are where it’s at and perfect if you’re like me – struggle for time and not a fan of the gym.
In The MAX Experience we have almost 100 of these fun, fatburning workouts, plus you also get:
😋 Tasty recipes with shopping lists
✅ Calories, protein, carbs & fat all calculated
✅ New recipes added weekly
✅ All pre-entered into MFP
✅ Meal plan ideas
With access to:
👭 Unlimited support and coaching from me personally
✅ Our private Facebook group and amazing community of women
✅ Weekly check ins & monthly Reviews
✅ Educational, top tips and motivational videos
Oh, and it’ll cost you less than a pizza!!
No contract, no fuss – you can cancel anytime.
Tap the link below for more info/to join us:
Lee ‘helping you back on that wagon’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training