Want to drop a dress size?
At least prevent your current dress getting tighter?
One of the simplest tips to help make that happen and cut your calories this festive season is:
Drop a GLASS size.
Alcohol has nearly as many calories per gram as BUTTER.
(7 cals vs 9 cals)
Large glass of wine (250ml) = 185cals
Medium glass of wine (175ml) = 130cals
Small glass of wine (125ml) = 93cals
Most of us like a drink now and again and with it being ‘the season’ and alcohol at every social gathering, it’s really important to put in as much damage limitation as possible.
Not just for your waistline but also for your immune system, energy and fighting that dreaded lurgy.
Dropping a glass size is super simple but hey, if you’re going to sink 10 of them.
You’ll still significantly reduce your calories but it kinda misses the aim.
But hopefully just the notion of enjoying the festivities and having a glass or 2 of vino, prosecco or vodka will be enough to make you content.
Benefits of Cutting Down
1. Less headaches.
2. Better sleep.
3. More alert.
4. Better concentration.
5. More energy.
6. Better skin condition.
7. Reduced risk of drunken injury.
8. Reduced risk of waking up with ‘the fear’ (we’ve all been there! lol)
9. A smaller dress size.
Here’s a great info-graphic from The Fitness Chef giving you lots of lower calorie options.
I’m not here to tell you not to drink because let’s face it, most of us like a wee drinky but…
I am telling you alcohol will have a BIG effect on how you look & most importantly feel and it’s really easy to limit the damage.
If you ARE planning a ‘big night out’ but don’t want to increase your ‘ab flab’ or sacrifice your goals.
Check out my top tips : )
Lee ‘vodka, sparkling water & fresh lime drinker’ Donald x
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