To all the wonderful women reading this.
I’m excited to say…
Pre-Registration To The MAX Experience & MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal is Officially Open.
The MAX Experience:
The MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal:
Yup, NOW is the time to get excited.
To relax, enjoy the rest of the festivities and have a GUILT FREE Christmas knowing you’ve got a plan of action in place.
That me personally, along with an AMAZING bunch of women are going to motivate, support and help you get back on track in January.
Being part of my members area The MAX Experience means you NEVER have to do this alone.
Here’s what MAX Member Julie has to say:
(she also comes to my fitness classes)
Julie actually posted this a couple weeks ago and has since dropped even more inches, more weight and more bodyfat.
Sounds amazing Lee but what is The MAX Experience?
How does Pre-Registration work?
How much does it cost?
Tap the relevant link above.
Buuut be quick!
This amazing special offer will disappear this Sunday 8th December @ 7pm.
Spaces are limited and sold out last year.
If you’d like to secure yourself a place and join us to jump start January.
Scroll back up, secure your place, save some pennies.
Then sit back and relax.
Lee ‘ready to welcome you onboard’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training