OMG – Seriously Lee?!
Add more sweary words and that’s exactly what projected out my mouth @ 8.15am last Saturday morning at Registration!
Let me set the scene.
Me, Mo & Janice (2 members of Team LDPT) had set off from Aberdeen @ 6am on Saturday morning.
I was racing in my 1st ever Spartan Race (obstacle course race) and kindly Mo and Janice were coming to support me.
Not gonna lie, I was feeling pretty nervous.
My 1st Spartan AND I was racing in my age group.
I’d signed up for the ‘Super’ (12-16km / 25 obstacles).
From packing the night before, last supper on point, precision timing for breaky.
I was as ready as I was ever going to be.
After getting lost (don’t ask, lol) we turned up to Registration with only 30mins to spare before kick off @ 8.45am.
Long story short, they weren’t able to find my name, turns out I got the days wrong and my race was Sunday, not Saturday – ooops!!
There was NO WAY I was going home, getting up early on Sunday, driving all the way down to Perth and mentally psyching myself up again.
I asked the Registration guy what my options were and he said to race the Beast! (20km / 33 obstacles)
Potentially 8km and 7 more obstacles more than I’d mentally or physically prepared for.
Ahhhh sheet!
The only time I’d ever run 20km was at Tough Mudder but had never raced it and always found the distance pretty tough.
Hmm to go home or to take on the Beast?
‘Fu*k it – Sign me up, let’s go’.
And there I was 30mins later at the start line with a strong group of women all ready to kick my butt.
Then it came.
‘Hands up if this is your 1st Spartan’.
Well you guessed it – mine was the only hand in the air.
All eyes on me, with a look of pitty – what were you thinking Lee?!
I told them about my blonde moment and that I wasn’t really meant to even be there, they all laughed and yeah it wasn’t looking good.
I then proceeded to bust out my inhaler and once again I cold feel eyes of disbelief shoot my way, lol.
A little safety talk then happened, music played, a half naked man with a 6 pack dressed as Mr Spartan got us pumped up.
Then BOOM before I knew it, we were off.
The Rules:
Each time you don’t complete an obstacle = 30 burpee penalty.
33 obstacles on the course = potentially 990 burpees!!
I stayed in about 4th place for the first km then knew I could run faster so made my move into 1st place.
Despite racking up 90 burpees, running at least 2mins in the wrong direction, embracing my fear of heights and getting severe cramp for the last 3km.
I managed to keep my lead the whole way and 2.49.07 hours later, little old me was 1st to cross that finish line.
By a whole 25mins!!
Only a few mins off bagging 3rd place if I ran in the ‘Elite’ wave and top 20 overall (male & female)
Holy macaroni Batman did that even happen? lol.
2 weeks ago a doctor told me I’d never be able to the achieve my goals due to my asthma.
💬 ‘you just can’t’.
My goal that day was simply to get some experience and see what I could do.
I put my head down, ran and apparently achieved the impossible.
Still quite surreal it all happened but couldn’t be happier and hope it helps inspire you to know that anything is possible!!
A massive thank you to Mo & Janice for supporting me and capturing some unforgettable moments on film.
If you missed the action videos, head over to my Facebook page and check them out.
Lee’s Facebook Page:
Here’s a peak at one of them.
When I first saw this obstacle upon or arrival, I genuinely didn’t think I’d have a hope of making it across.
Here’s what happened when I reached it 19km in!!
Lesson learnt?
Never underestimate what you’re capable of : )
With the Spartan Beast behind me and Beast of Banchory race this Saturday, it’s time to stay focused (and recover, lol ).
Mo and Janice will be there too but instead of supporting me, they’ll be right there taming the Beast with me!!
This will be their 2nd year of doing something they NEVER thought they’d ever do.
They’ve been pushing themselves at my fitness class for quite a few years now and made amazing progress building up their confidence, mindset, strength and fitness.
It’s not happened overnight and they started exactly like I suspect many of you reading this.
You don’t have to take on the Beast but if boosting your confidence, feeling stronger, fitter and happier in yourself sounds good…
Then I’d love to help.
Grab my ‘Sizzling September Special Offer’ and you can come along and try any of my fitness classes for FREE (Aberdeen).
* Valid til Fri 28th Sep
* Booking required
They’re suitable for ALL levels of fitness with options throughout all classes so don’t worry if you think you’re not fit enough…that’s the whole point.
To help you build on that!
Simply get in touch for more info/booking.
Lee ‘sporting some Spartan swag’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training