“OMG – It’s Positive!”
That’s the PG version of what came out my mouth last Sunday when I got a message to say I’d tested positive for Covid 19.
I wasn’t going to mention this today and just carry on as normal but something I can always promise you.
1. Everything I teach you about health, fitness & weightloss is always factual and scientifically backed.
2. I’ll always be honest.
So many people only show the highlights of their life and what success looks like, however I feel it’s important to show the struggles too.
Aaand it’s most definitely been a struggle.
It started with what I thought was just a killer cold, however after losing my taste and smell on the Saturday, alarm bells went off and I decided to get tested.
Results came on the Sunday and not long after that surreal moment of finding out I tested positive, things began to escalate.
From losing my taste/smell, ulcers in my mouth, an itchy rash on my neck, cough, exhaustion, feeling sick, headaches, brain fog to struggling to breathe – I was getting my ass kicked!
Infact a week ago today, my wife had to call an ambulance as I was really struggling with my breathing.
It was a scary moment and felt like my worst fear was coming true.
Covid had made my heart rate surge and got to the point where I was fighting not to pass out.
I was laying on the sofa, couldn’t get any words out, hands were clammy, getting heavier but my body was feeling lighter and vision fading then coming back as I was trying to catch my breath.
My only thoughts were, I had to ‘stay with it’.
I tried to calm myself down and control my breathing because if I passed out, I had no idea if I would keep breathing or not and that just wasn’t an option.
Especially infront of my wife and Bosses.
Thankfully it wasn’t long before the paramedics arrived.
They helped me get my breathing under control again and long story short, I didn’t have to go to hospital – but had to rest, take my inhalers as much as I needed and keep an eye on my heart rate.
I suffer from Broncho Constriction and need medication to help me breath so likely why it hit me so hard.
Shout out to my amazing wife who dealt with the situation like a boss even though she was feeling the effects of Covid too.
Who’s been by my side while we endured the relentless challenges of parenting while feeling like absolute crap.
That scary moment is one I’ll never forget but plan on using it as fuel to my fire.
To get back on track and not let anything stop me achieving my goals – life really is too short.
As the week progressed, my symptoms got worse before they got better but thankfully not with my breathing.
It’s still not quite 100% and need to be careful but happy to say, I feel a million times better today than I did last Monday.
I was also very thankful to have the protection of being vaccinated.
My second jab still won’t have kicked in yet but truly believe, if it wasn’t for my 1st one, I’d either be in hospital or not here.
My Dad was up from Edinburgh and staying with us the weekend we tested positive.
Close contact for 72 hours yet amazingly has continuously tested negative – he’d been double jabbed for a while.
This isn’t a blog about vaccines.
Infact if I’m honest, I was pretty anxious to get mine, however thought this may be helpful to share if you haven’t had yours yet and perhaps a little undecided.
I also just wanted to explain what’s been going on behind the scenes.
Today marks the last day of my isolation, yet first day of getting back on my feet.
So far so good and even managed a short workout this morning so hoping it will be onwards and upwards from here.
I hope you have a great week, stay safe and keep posted for next Monday when I’ll be sharing some super tasty recipes 😋
Lee ‘back in the game’ Donald x
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