Oh Sh*t – there it is!!
That was exactly my thoughts the 1st time ‘my story’ was ever shared.
In 2012, my story was published in the Evening Express.
Middle page – double spread.
There was me, front and centre.
As well as a picture of my sister and I and another picture of when I received my 1st ever business award in London.
‘Yup, you did it Lee – there’s no going back now!!’
When you share something incredibly personal that you’ve purposefully kept secret not only from the world but also loved ones.
It’s a very uneasy and awkward feeling.
I remember wanting to crawl under a rock, worrying about what people would think and how they would judge me.
People that I knew who would read the paper.
They would now all know my eating disorder ‘secret’.
Then I reminded myself the reason WHY I was sharing it.
And after the flood of positive responses from both those who did and didn’t suffer from eating disorders.
I knew I’d made the right decision.
Hopefully I’d helped those suffering see there was light at the end of the tunnel and how much things could turn around if they didn’t give up.
That even if they thought they wouldn’t live to see their next birthday (like I did), they can still overcome what may feel like the impossible.
Over the years, it still feels ‘a little weird’ sharing my story but the secrecy and stigma which gave my eating disorder power no longer exists!
Today marks the beginning of Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2021.
And this year, I’m celebrating 10 years of being an eating disorder survivor!
So I thought I’d make a little video to try reach out, help others and raise awareness.
It BARELY scratches the surface but hopefully it’s enough to help anyone struggling with an eating disorder to realise change is possible.
Or indeed anyone who is struggling with ANYTHING right now.
It may be the hardest step, however it’s the 1st stage of recovery is speaking about things.
As promised, here’s those numbers:
Adults Helpline: 0808 801 0677
Youthline: 0808 801 0711
You can find these numbers along with LOTS of other information here.
If you’re a friend or relative of someone who has an eating disorder, there’s fantastic help and support for you at Beat too.
Keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow’s Evening Express – you may see a familiar face : )
Lee ‘raising awareness’ Donald x
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