My name’s Lee.
I used to be overweight.
I used to smoke, drink excessively, suffer from depression and have an eating disorder.
I used to feel self conscious when I was overweight.
Embarrassed when I was underweight.
Used to try hide from pictures, hated clothes shopping and didn’t feel worthy to smile.
My self confidence was low, energy low and general excitement for life….low.
Until 8 years ago when I qualified as a Personal Trainer, quit smoking, beat my 15 year eating disorder, took control of my drinking and found a new passion for life.
I’m now the strongest, healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been.
(pic above right taken yesterday)
During this journey, it’s safe to say I’ve learned quite a few things along the way.
I’ve learned how to workout smarter not longer.
(30 mins max)
How to achieve amazing success from home.
(never been a fan of the gym)
How to never feel restricted with my food, to never diet.
(diets suck!)
How to eat squashies, drink vodka and still keep in shape.
(life’s too short without these)
How to focus on the basics and make small changes that = BIG results.
(I like to keep things simple)
And HOW much regular exercise and a balanced diet can positively affect your mental health.
(highly underestimated)
It’s been quite the transformation and every aspect of this,
I teach inside The MAX Experience.
What’s The MAX Experience Lee?
In a nutshell,
Its my award winning online health, fitness & nutrition hub helping busy women lose weight, get fitter, feel stronger, eat better, take control back and just feel happier in themselves.
Without having to join a gym.
It actually started with just home workouts.
However, The MAX Experience has expanded and continues to grow.
From recipes, meal plan ideas, educational/getting started videos, a private Facebook group, weekly check ins, a fabulous community of women plus so much more.
There’s literally everything you need right at your fingertips.
And right now,
I’ve got an AWESOME one off special offer up for grabs.
– Pre-register now
– Start 1st January 2020
– Grab a massive 50% off
Get full access for a whole month for only £9.99!
(no contract/cancel anytime).
If you’d like to trade a couple coffees or festive tipples for a stress free January knowing you have a plan in place.
Hit that pre-register link below.
Pre-Register Link:
If you’re pre/post natal then be sure to pre-register for The MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal.
If you’d like to feel as strong, healthy, confident and as happy as possible during your pre/post natal journey from the comfort of your own home to kickstart 2020 without having to join a gym.
You’ll LOVE this.
Pre/Post Natal Pre-Registration Link:
Pre-Registration along with this ridiculously amazing special offer will disappear Sunday @ 7pm.
Lee ‘never felt better’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training