Would you like 3 super tasty high protein recipe ideas?
– With a picture of what the meal looks like when made.
– A shopping/ingredients list.
– All calories & macros (protein, carbs, fat) pre-calculated to make life easy.
– A barcode to scan to MyFitnessPal to save you precious time.
– All for FREE
Sounds pretty good huh?
Then get excited as that’s exactly what I’m sharing with you today.
A high protein breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe with their calories and macros pre-calculated to make life easy and so you know exactly what you’re eating.
Highly important if your goal is weightloss.
These are a small taster (scuse the pun) of what you can find inside The MAX Experience.
We now have over 400 super simple, family friendly recipes to choose from.
From breakfast, lunch, dinner to snack recipes – it’s all there.
And every Thursday inside our private MAX Experience Facebook group it’s #FoodieThursday.
Meaning every Thursday, you’ll get access to brand NEW recipes.
Perfect if you struggle with ideas and need some inspiration.
Here’s those recipes.
‘Full English’ Egg Muffins
Crab & Cod Fish Cakes with Tomato Salsa
Sweet n Sour Chicken
If you enjoy these or just like the sound of having fresh and exciting new recipes at your finger tips every week.
– As well as an amazing variety of home workout videos to help you spend less time getting better results without having to join a gym.
– Nutritional guidance to help make weightloss simple and enable to you to achieve your goals without dieting or giving up any of your fave foods.
– Motivation, support and accountability to keep you on track.
Plus LOADS more!!
You’ll love The MAX Experience.
Lee ‘loves giving away freebies’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training