I hope you had a great w/e.
Here we are.
The start of a new week aaand I do believe the festive season is officially kicking off!!
From social media festiveness, ridiculously long and expensive adverts on TV, advent calendars hitting you from every angle in Tesco to Christmas trees going up (I kid you not).
Yup….It’s THAT time of year!
Should you ENJOY yourself this festive period?
– Absolutely.
I can’t WAIT, bring on the mince pies.
If you’re not careful, the festive period can seriously set back the hardwork and progress you’ve made so far.
And I know you didn’t push through all that sweat and effort for NOTHING.
So here’s a super simple, yet highly effective ‘3 Step Plan’ to help you feel fabulous this festive season and stress less knowing you’ve got a plan of action in place.
The 3 Step Plan
Step 1: Damage Control.
– Put in a decent effort starting now.
– Be mindful, use common sense and just don’t eat & drink like a twat.
– Progress is awesome but a great goal is simply MAINTENANCE from now till the ‘Big Man’ arrives.
Step 2: Enjoy a Guilt-Free Christmas.
– Enjoy every minute, savour all the tastes and wash it down with whatever you like WITHOUT any guilt.
– I know I will be.
Step 3: Get Back in Action.
– THEE most important step and another reason I won’t feel guilty chomping on my mince pies.
– Because you made Step 1 happen, this will be MUCH easier.
– And don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you high and dry to do this by yourself.
I’ll be there for you EVERY step of the way making it as easy, uncomplicated and enjoyable as possible.
I’m literally going to give you EVERYTHING you need get your body, fitness confidence and mindset rockin’ in 2020.
Heck, I’m even going to help you SAVE some pennies.
‘Sounds amazing Lee but HOW exactly is this going to happen?’
I’ll be revealing all in next Monday’s blog aaand have a cheeky little gift to share this Thursday so stay tuned.
In the meantime.
6 weeks till Crimbo.
7 weeks before 2020.
Right now it’s about Step 1 – DAMAGE CONTROL.
Try focus on small, simple things that make a big difference.
** Keep your water intake up (2 litres min)
** Get off your butt and build your step count up
** Eat protein at each meal
** Pump in the veggies
** Don’t drink your calories (eg Gingerbread lattes, etc)
** Limit alcohol to once a week
** Say no or allow yourself to have ONE office ‘treat’
(keep as far as away from them and out of sight as poss)
** Make a to-do list each night for the next day
(extra motivation + less stress)
** Tell your friends, family your goals for accountability
Trust me, these may not seem much but from your waistline, energy to mood….they’ll make a HUGE impact.
Have a great week.
Lee ‘loves when a plan comes together’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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