🔥 Lose X amount of fat in X days 🔥
With Summer landed, these kind of false claims are EVERYWHERE.
I posted about this on my social media last week and got some interesting feedback so thought it was worth sharing incase you missed it.
I can tell you not to believe these kind of crazy claims but instead, I wanted to explain WHY.
To arm you with knowledge and give you power so you never have to fall for any of those ‘quick fix’ gimmicks again.
Here goes so pay attention : )
➡️ 1lb of bodyfat = 3500cals
Create a deficit of 500cals per day (consuming around 1500cals daily) for a week and it’s reasonable to lose 1lb of bodyfat.
It’s also realistic, acheivable & sustainable.
To drop 10 lbs of bodyfat in a week you’d need to be in a calorie deficit of 35,000 calories.
So let’s say you consume those 1500cals a day for a week (10,500 cals)
You would still have over eaten by 19,500 calories!!
Impossible, unrealistic and just plain bullsh*t.
If you hear that Sheila lost 10lbs in a week at Weight Watchers or drinking tea & shakes.
Sheila just lost a sh*t load of water weight, unfortunately precious muscle and a tiny amount of bodyfat.
If you’re someone like Sheila who looks for quick fixes then please have a good read of this and know there isn’t one.
Small positive changes on a daily basis is all it takes.
If you’d like a little more help with that, it’s worth checking out my award winning online health, fitness & nutrition hub The MAX Experience.
From home workouts, tasty recipes, weekly check ins, live Q&A’s, private Facebook group and sooo much more.
The MAX Experience helps busy women worldwide lose weight, get fitter, eat better and feel happier in themselves without having to join a gym.
Aaand without having to endure a crazy diet or exercise plan!!
It’s also a perfect fit especially for mums in the holidays who’d like to try keep on track but don’t have much time and don’t want to spend lots of money.
Get FULL access for only 65p day.
No contract, you can cancel anytime with a click of a button.
Check it out:
Lee ‘helping all the Sheila’s out there’ Donald x
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