How can I lose weight and tone up in the fastest time possible?
This is something I get asked ALL the time.
Infact, even Powerhouse Fitness (Europe’s No.1 For Home Fitness) wanted to know and gave me the opportunity to write an article on their website!!
Have to say, was rather chuffed to do this – woop woop.
If you’d like to have a quick read…
Click here:
Hope you find it useful.
If you have any questions or need further help – just give me a shout : )
With Summer just around the corner, my aim is to get as MANY women as possible looking and feeling their best.
Saying GOODBYE to insecurities and self consciousness and HELLOOOO to confidence and bringing sexy back.
Thank you to everyone for their support and kind messages over the w/e for the Balmoral 10k.
Over the moon to smash both my goals:
1. Top 50 Female (Top 37th) – Out of 977.
2. Run Sub 50mins (49.51) – 11 mins off 1st place!
And extra proud of my BodyMaxers who joined me, put in a seriously AMAZING effort and got fantastic times too.
You can see some more pics and videos over on my social media : )
The key to success?
Believing in yourself.
Believe you can…..and you’re halfway there!
Lee ‘proud as punch’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training