I hope you’re having a good week.
I haven’t blogged on a Thursday for a while but just wanted to share some really exciting news and ask you an important question.
About a couple months ago I got an email from the Corporate LiveWire Prestige Awards asking if I’d like to be considered for the shortlist of their awards.
These awards recognise small and medium-sized businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months.
Naturally, I was like ‘ehhh yes please!’.
Who wouldn’t?
Then I got an email asking me to complete a form.
Well…after one look, it took me straight back to my Uni days.
Having to answer questions and give information about my business…..within an allocated word count!
Provide evidence and links to various places to back what I said up, jeeezo at one point I thought about not bothering.
But then I thought, if they’re taking this much into consideration, it would be a pretty awesome win.
After persevering and completing my form/evidence by the deadline, I eagerly waited for the judging panel to consider me.
A number of weeks later and BOOM – I’d made the shortlist and couldn’t be happier.
Then it was time for another tense wait.
I watched other business’s post on Facebook about these awards and how they’d won their category.
Not gonna lie, by this point….
After investing so much time and effort, I really wanted to win.
No call.
No email.
The wait, the anticipation, it’s such a killer not knowing either way.
I started to think perhaps it’s just wasn’t going to happen.
The BOOM again – I got an email asking me to get in touch with them.
Surely they wouldn’t do this if I hadn’t won – would they?
I picked up the phone bracing myself for both good and bad news.
The gentlemen on the phone took his time explaining a few things about the awards and by this point, my heart was racing, lol.
I was told I’d been on the shortlist with 7 other best Personal Trainers in Scotland.
My heart sunk a little at this point.
It wasn’t just Aberdeen – this was all of Scotland.
He was surely about to tell me thank you, but you didn’t make it.
To my surprise.
He then proceeded to tell me,
The judges were really impressed how my business had adapted and operated over the last 12months and had selected me as the WINNER!!
‘Personal Training Specialist of the Year 2020/21’
WOW – I couldn’t believe how emotional this moment was and one I’ll never forget.
This last year has been one of the hardest years ever, both in business and on a personal level.
I love helping others and in the last 12months, I’ve really had to step my game up to be there as much as possible for everyone I train, those who follow me on social media, read my emails as well as my family.
Having that hard work recognised is such an incredible feeling.
I also found out on that exciting call, the reason they had initially got in touch was because someone had kindly nominated me!!
This was completely anonymous and I’ve no idea who it was but would like to thank them personally.
Was this you?
If not, I’d just like to thank you anyway.
For taking time and continuing to read my weekly blogs which hopefully you find helpful and enjoy reading.
Am now looking forward to the Presentation Day in Edinburgh later this Summer.
In the meantime, I’m just gonna keep doing my best to help others be their best.
Lee ‘PT Specialist of the Year’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training