I hope you had a great w/e.
As promised, it’s time for that super dooper, exciting MAX Experience opportunity!
But first….let me set the scene.
Bloated, tired, fluffier round the edges, feelings of guilt and instant PANIC of not knowing the best way to get yourself in shape for the the new year.
Yuup that standard post-Christmas feeling that let’s face it.
Happens EVERY year is never an enjoyable one!!
I get it.
It’s HARD to stay on track especially over the festive period (aaand lockdown).
There may not be many parties this year but you KNOW those pigs in blankets, cocktails, champers, mince pies and other waistline expanding yumminess are gonna be calling your name!!
Which is cool.
But starting the year with anxiety and zero motivation because you feel like a Christmas pudding and don’t know the best way forward….is not cool.
(especially with all the stresses of everything else going on).
That’s exactly why I’m going to offer you a BIG chance to make kicking off this coming year different to all your others.
I’m even going to help you SAVE money at the same time!!
** If you’re a woman who’d like to learn how to lose weight and keep it off.
** How to enjoy squashies, chocolate and wine and still get amazing results.
** How to spend less time getting those results so you have more time for other things.
** How to build your confidence, mental health and be able to think more positively.
** How to have more energy, sleep better and stress less by making small, simple changes.
** How to just say ‘screw you’ to anything holding you down and bounce back better than ever in 2021.
No gym, no diet required.
You’ll LOVE this.
Press Play : )
Here’s that super important info with everything you need to know.
If you’d like to be part of The LDPT Network to keep updated with what you need to do and when, to make sure you don’t miss out.
Sign up for FREE @ www.ldpt.co.uk
I’ll send you that ‘Pre-Registration’ link directly to your inbox on Tuesday 1st December.
A whole hour before my social media and everyone else.
Meaning all you’ll have to do is hit the button before places are sold out.
1. Pre-Register in December.
2. Grab your 50% off earlybird bonus.
3. Relax knowing you have all the support and everything you need to kickstart January the best way you can.
If you’ve got any questions, please just ask.
Enjoy the festivities, keep putting in some damage limitation and stay tuned : )
If you’re already a MAX Experience member – Get excited!
We’ll be kicking off the year with some awesome challenges, to keep motivation high, inject plenty of fun and as always make smashing your 2021 goals as simple as possible.
Lee ‘planning for success’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training