Want to know HOW I personally transformed my body, health and fitness?
HOW I manage to run a busy business all by myself and STILL have time to workout?
HOW I keep my motivation firing on all cylinders?
The MAX Experience is literally my fitness BLUEPRINT and I’m super excited to share it with you.
I promised you today that I’d reveal EVERYTHING you need to know about my EXCITING new project The MAX Experience so let’s get straight to it.
I want to make losing weight, getting in shape, feeling happy in your body and feeling GOOD about yourself as EASY as possible.
I not only want to help you get the MAXIMUM results possible but more importantly I want you to ENJOY your workouts.
If you ENJOY it, you’ll STICK at it and if you stick at it you’re going to get staggering LIFELONG results.
So what’s it all about then?
The MAX Experience is an exclusive Members Only area.
It consists of a variety of 10 minute HIIT workouts from bodyweight only, beginners to Kettlebells and other categories.
You can do them at home, the gym, the garden, at a friends or in fact anywhere you like.
These workouts aren’t just going to give you SEXY abs, arms and legs, they’re going to strengthen your ENTIRE body…and hey let’s not forget BURN a serious amount of bodyfat.
‘But I don’t have any weights or equipment’
No problem.
There’s plenty of BODYWEIGHT workouts as well as weighted workouts you can actually do WITHOUT any equipment or alternatively you can use water bottles or any other suitable weight.
You can also pick up Kettlebells and Dumbells, etc up for super cheap.
Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury, Sports Direct and Argos have decent equipment at very REASONABLE prices!
‘But I’m a beginner’
Fantastic, hit up the MAX Beginners section and lets start building you a better body and improve your fitness TODAY.
‘Is 10mins a day really enough?’
There’s LOTS of evidence out there backed by science that high intensity workouts get RESULTS!
The SHORTER you work out for the HIGHER you crank that intensity.
‘I get bored easily’
Me too, which is why there’s an AWESOME selection of different types of workouts, exercises, equipment used, work:rest ratios and I’ll be adding NEW content MONTHLY.
There’s currently 60 challenging, fun and wicked workouts with literally 1000’s of different combos you can try from resistance, cardio to abs.
And the most exciting part is – THIS is just the beginning!!
‘Am I tied into a contract?’
NO contract
NO joining fee.
NO hidden small print.
No fuss.
You can cancel your membership at ANY time.
Is the The MAX Experience for YOU?
1. Are you a BUSY parent or fitness professional with little time on your hands?
2. Are you a stay at home parent who can’t leave the house?
3. Do you get intimidated by the gym and want to know HOW to workout and get MAXIMUM results in the comfort of your own home?
4. Do you get bored easily and like exciting new workouts to keep things FRESH?
5. Do you want to build a stronger, fitter, healthier body and actually ENJOY the process?
Then you’re going to LOVE The MAX Experience!!
‘How do I pay & how much?’
OK so I lied…
I’m not going to reveal EVERYTHING today as I dooo like keeping you in suspense (I’m mean I know).
But I CAN tell you there are 2 payment options and memberships levels to choose from.
I can also pinky promise I WILL tell you these details next Monday (21st Dec).
‘How can it change my life?’
I began doing ONE of these types of 10min workouts a day.
When you first begin THIS type of training and you go ‘all out’ trust me 10mins is enough.
As I progressed and I wanted to PUSH myself harder I would make combos and put TWO different 10mins workouts together.
After giving it 100% I was definitely ‘done’ after 20mins.
Now as a fitness professional I like to push myself to the MAX therefore I now combine THREE 10min HIIT workouts together and you know what?? – anymore is simply NOT needed if you do it right.
Get your dream body, feel confident, sexy, fit, healthy and happy in just 10, 20 or 30mins a day…
How COOL is that?!
‘This sounds AMAZING, how do I sign up?’
The MAX Experience officially launches Mon 4th January 2016.
On the 4th January 2016, simply go to the Members Area or click on MAX Experience in the navigation tab on my website www.ldpt.co.uk and follow the prompts.
Don’t worry, I’ll be checking in with you before then and will keep you right.
EVERYONE deserves to be healthy and happy and my goal for 2016 is to get as MANY people as possible on that happy train, ENJOYING their workouts and feeling GOOD about themselves.
If you know anyone who would like a piece of this HAPPY pie, please feel free to share this with them.
Aaaand just incase I didn’t cover everything, if you have any questions please just ask.
Lee ‘on a mission’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training