Conquering Everest, taking on Kong, embracing an arctic enema, being electrocuted with 10,000 volts, wading through waist deep mud, hills for daaaays and lots of lovely jubbly stuff in between.
Woaaaah!! – What a weekend.
If you we’re connected on social media, you may know I was in Drumlanrig at the w/e doing Tough Mudder with my nephew.
If you’ve never done Tough Mudder before, it’s certainly an ‘experience’ and given the terrain and weather – this one was extra challenging.
But….we smashed it!!
Aaaand it inspired me to write today’s email because it got me thinking about the basics of success.
Do you surround yourself with POSITIVE people?
Do you have a SUPPORT network?
Do you CHALLENGE yourself daily?
At Tough Mudder there’s an ENORMOUS amount of camaraderie and support from people you’ve never even met before.
Whether you’re trying to make it up ‘Everest’,
Struggling to beat the ‘Block Ness Monster’.
Fall flat in your face after ‘10,000 volts in ElectroShock Therapy’.
There’s always a fellow Mudder happy to lend their hand and also to cheer you on!
On that note.
Let me set the scene…
After firstly scaring the ‘bejesus’ out of myself simply being on the 25 foot high platform (I don’t do heights), I was head to head with one of my BIGGEST goals.
Taking on Kong Infinity (top left pic).
The most CHALLENGING obstacle on the course with an extremely low success rate.
The barrel has rings.
The aim?
Grab the rings, move the barrel forward and UP the beams, grab the monkey bars and make it to the other side.
My goal?
At least make it to the monkey bars!!
Heart POUNDING, body shaking (from the cold, fear and running I’d done), my nephew watching from the ground and a whole queue of people behind.
Ahhh sheeeet – time to go.
Grabbed the 1st ring….BONUS….I actually had some grip.
Grabbed another….woohoo this thing was MOVING.
But my lordy, you not only had to reach out infront to grab the rings, you had to pull yourself UP to reach them.
4 rings in and I can hear the cheering behind me – I’d made it further than anyone at that point.
Slowly but surely I moved this barrel closer and CLOSER to the monkey bars.
I slipped a few times trying to reach which left me dangling by ONE arm and each time I could hear the crowd and my nephew gasp!
I’d told my nephew my goal beforeheand, the pressure was on and NO way I was giving up easily.
I clung on for dear life and managed to shift the barrell a little more.
After what felt like eternity of hanging, the monkey bars were right infront of me!!
‘OMG I was actually going to do this!’
Losing my strength FAST, I took the leap and secured both hands on those bars.
Goal completed and the crowd went wild but…..I still needed to master the dam monkey bars, lol.
They were big, super slippy from all the rain and hard to hold.
I got halfway, lost my grip then CRASH – fell the ground.
GUTTED because I was so close to completing the obstacle.
BUZZING because I achieved a massive goal I’d been training for, for months!!
Moral of the Story:
Support is an ESSENTIAL part of life from fitness, family, relationships to business.
Who is YOUR support team?
Whether it’s your family, friends or work colleagues.
USE them to help keep you motivated, to hold you accountable and be there for them too.
You’ll be amazed at the results and how WELL this works.
‘Team Work Makes The Dream Work’
Are YOU challenging yourself?
You don’t need to do a 20km obstacle course but stepping outside your comfort zone on a DAILY basis is how progress is made.
If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you – it won’t CHANGE you.
Now go out there and kick some butt!! : )
If you’d like to see more pics from my Tough Mudder Adventures, head over to my Facebook Page and give it a little ‘like’.
Lee’s FB Page:
Lee ‘moved up the ranks to a pink headband’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training