Standing 30ft above the ground with nothing but some small rings swinging from ropes to get to the other side (see pic above – bottom right).
Everything naturally in me just screamed ‘NO’.
I had reached Kong.
Sure I’d just conquered 20km of muddy madness, but having a big fear of heights this was a whole different game.
Then I remembered all the AMAZING support I’d received and everyone who said:
‘you can do it Lee’.
Telling me exactly what I tell THEM all the time.
Yuuup there was no way out – I was going to have to do this!!
I had a ‘little word’ with myself with language I won’t repeat, lol.
2 hands on the 1st ring and for lack of a better phrase ‘peeing my pants’ I took a step back and began to swing.
Reaching for the 2nd ring and getting a good grip I KNEW I had this, I just had to keep going.
With my Team mates cheering me on from the sidelines, I grabbed that last ring then BOOM my feet landed on solid ground.
Final obstacle complete, goals smashed, I re-joined my Team and we crossed that finish line together.
This all happened on Saturday when I was over in Ireland doing Tough Mudder (20km SAS Assault Course).
And maaaaan it was tough but so much fun and inspired today’s blog
At Tough Mudder there’s an ENORMOUS amount of camaraderie and support for each other from people all over the world who you’ve never even met before.
Whether you’re trying to make it up ‘Everest’.
Struggling to beat the ‘Block Ness Monster’.
Fall flat in your face after ‘Electric Shock Therapy’.
There’s always a fellow Mudder happy to lend you their hand and help.
Moral of the story.
Support is an ESSENTIAL part of life from fitness, family, relationships to business.
Who is YOUR support team?
Whether it’s your family, friends or work colleagues…
USE them to help keep you motivated, to hold you accountable and be there for them too.
You’ll be amazed at the results and how WELL this works.
‘Team Work Makes The Dream Work’
Are YOU challenging yourself?
You don’t need to do a 20km obstacle course but stepping outside your comfort zone on a DAILY basis is how progress is made.
If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you – it won’t CHANGE you.
Now go out there and kick some butt!! : )
Lee ‘Kong Conqueror’ Donald x
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Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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