Happy 1st of October.
Wow, how did that happen?!
I could be wrong, but I suspect every single person reading this will agree, it’s been a crazy 2020.
There’s been alot of stress, frustration, anxiety, unnecessary purchases of toilet roll and general feelings of negativity.
Which is why I was so happy to receive some positive and exciting news.
The first ever Scottish Health and Fitness Awards were meant to have taken place last week.
However, sadly like many events – it was cancelled.
The good news, is that it’s something to look forward to next year.
Saturday 26th September in Glasgow.
Best start looking for a frock now, lol.
Anyway, I’m up for ‘Female Personal Trainer of the Year’.
And it’s strange asking others for help as usually it’s the other way round but here goes.
If you haven’t already and feel I deserve a chance to win.
Could you possibly help me by taking a couple seconds to vote?
Voting Link:
There’s an option to say the reason why you’re voting and would be even more awesome if you could say a sentence or two.
However any votes and your time are much appreciated!
Lee ‘keeping her fingers crossed’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training