Snow, freezing temperatures, blustery winds, power cuts, schools closed and chaos.
What a day!
As a result, I also unfortunately had to cancel my clients and BodyMAX class tonight.
But….it’s also LAST day of Feel Good Feb!
And I’m not about to let the WEATHER stop my Team getting their final workout of the month in.
Aaaand just because I want to help YOU boost those happy ‘hump day’ hormones and finish ‘Feel Good Feb’ feeling fabulous too.
I’ll be going LIVE @ 6pm tonight with a 20min Banging ‘Beast of The East’ Workout.
This will be on my Lee Donald Personal Training Facebook page which you can do from the warmth and comfort of your own home.
No equipment required.
If you’d like to join the fun and show the Beast of the East who’s boss…
Join the workout here:
Make sure you give my page a little ‘like’ so you get notified when we go LIVE.
Life is always 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react.
And today…
We say ‘NO’ to excuses, comfort eating and taking a step backwards.
And ‘YES’ to taking control, making your happiness a priority and chasing your goals.
See you @ 6pm!!
Don’t forget to set a reminder on your phone and get your partner / kids involved too : )
Lee ‘ready to beast it’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training