I was going to share with you a ‘too good not to grab special offer’ today but,
There’s some major EXCITING things going on right now that I really wanted to share first.
Don’t worry, that awesome offer will be coming to you next week.
Ok Lee, what’s going on that’s so exciting then?
I’m pretty proud, humbled and happy to say Lee Donald Personal Training will officially be 8 years old this Sunday!
Looking back, it’s crazy to think it all started from my mum’s living room with ONE kettlebell and client to my name – thank you mum.
Fast forward to today,
My own house, private fitness cabin, 13 awards (hopefully another on Sunday), countless courses, training, events, 3 trademarked fitness classes, an online business and a whole lot of ups and downs later.
It’s been an amazing and very CHALLENGING one both personally and professionally but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Being able to help people positively change their lives is my passion and something I LOVE doing.
Having previously overcome a 15 year eating disorder, depression, prozac, life coaching, psychiatrists, counsellors, being an outpatient, an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and smoking.
I hope by sharing my story it helps people realise it’s never too late and anyone can turn their life around if they decide to put their mind to it.
And from a business birthday to my 2nd bit of exciting news:
While celebrating 8 years of living my best life helping others this Sunday,
I’ll also be in Glasgow at Scotland’s Business Awards National Grand Final 2019.
(for a crazy 3rd time!!)
Having just welcomed my son into the world less than 3 weeks ago…
Yup it’s safe to say it…is…FULL systems go!! lol.
I’ll be sharing all the juicy details of the awards with you on Monday.
In 2017 – I lost.
In 2018 – I won.
It would be amazing to win 2019 too.
However celebrating LDPT’S 8th birthday as a National Finalist for a 3rd time, for me is quite surreal and a HUGE achievement in itself.
Woop Woop – I feel some champers coming on!!
Ok, well maybe only 1 or 2.
Babies + hangovers = savage! lol.
Win or lose.
I just want to say a massive THANK YOU!
From my fabulous clients, BodyMax Network fitfam, Max Experience Team and EVERYONE taking the time to read this and who’s been part of the journey.
I’m thankful every day I get to work and connect with such an incredible bunch of women.
With that being said.
It’s time to find a frock (yeah I know, last minute ahoy!)
Keep my fingers crossed.
And just go and enjoy the event with my Mum and sister.
You’ll find out first whether I win or lose along with lots of behind the scenes footage via my Instagram & Facebook stories (tap on my profile pic)
So if we’re not already, make sure you tap on the links below and let’s get connected : )
Lee’s Facebook Page:
Lee’s Instagram Page:
Lee ‘still pinches herself sometimes’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training