5 more sleeps and it’s JUDGEMENT DAY!
Yup this Saturday is a day I’ve been looking forward to / dreading for a whole YEAR.
Let me introduce to you The Beast.
The Beast of Banchory’s a 10km uphill, downhill, muddy, heather hopping run with 25 obstacles to help raise money for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland taking place this w/e.
And let me tell you…
Even as a ‘seasoned’ Tough Mudder, The Beast of Banchory is no walk in the park and definitely lives up to its name.
So WHY have I been looking forward to it / dreading it for a whole YEAR?
Last year my goal was to get a DECENT time (you’re provided with a timing chip for your ankle) and obviously have FUN along the way.
1hr 16 later, top 18 and lots of cheeky pics posed for along the way it was safe to say – GOAL ACHIEVED.
Aaaaand that’s when I got a CRAZY idea for THIS year…
It’s BIG, it’s kind of ridiculous and I honestly have NO idea whether I can do it or not but either way.
Come Saturday – EVERYBODY on my social media will know.
Eeeeek no pressure! lol.
(let’s get connected if we’re not already).
Want to know what this big, scary, ridiculous goal is?
Press Play : )
Moral of The Story
1. Goals are ESSENTIAL for success.
They give you something to aim for, purpose, allow you to assess your progress but most importantly keep you MOTIVATED, not to mention give you theee most AWESOME feeling when you hit them.
Where do you want to be THIS time next week, month, year?
Quit faffing and TALKING about it – make some goals, MAKE it happen and jump onboard that SUCCESS TRAIN.
2. Shit can hit the fan even for us Fitness Professionals!
Hey, we’re ALL human and that’s just life.
If you don’t hit those goals 1st time do NOT give up.
Move the goal posts and split your bigger goals into smaller bite size ones.
3. Tell as MANY people as possible WHAT your goals are and WHEN you’re going to achieve them.
‘I’m going to lose 3 pounds in 3 weeks’.
‘I’m going to bust out 20 press ups on my feet by Halloween’.
You get my drift.
Holding yourself accountable by telling people your goals can be a super POWERFUL motivator!
Don’t believe me? – Give it a go.
Bottom line – I just REALLY just want you to succeed.
Nobody else cares if you LOSE weight, fit into your FAVE pair of jeans or look AMAZING in your new outfit.
Nobody else is bothered is you have MORE energy, confidence, feel healthier, in control and generally a whole lot HAPPIER with your life.
And I know sometimes your goals can feel like a MILLION miles away.
It can seem complicated, TIME consuming and just too much hard work but don’t worry I’m not just here to MOTIVATE you,
I’m going to show you just how QUICK and EASY it can be to actually hit your goals.
So stay tuned to Thursday’s blog when I’ll be sharing some EXCITING news.
Lee ‘preparing to tame The Beast’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training