Happy Monday to you!! Yes it may be wet, wintery and blowing a hooley today but so what… If you let the weather decide your happiness or positivity you’ll never reach your goals! As you may remember I was in Ireland over the w/e doing Tough Mudder (20km SAS Assault Course) and maaaaan was it tough but…

Happy October!! WOW where did that time go?! It’s a new day, new month and fresh opportunity to grab your goals with both hands!! I know many people are doing the ‘stoptober challenge’ (stop drinking alcohol for October). But in my humble personal opinion… I feel unless you have a drinking problem or NEED to give up alcohol it’s not a…

HAPPY MONDAY! I hope you had a great w/e. Mine was filled with 10km of mud, freezing water and heather hopping and it….was….AWESOME! Love a challenge – Love exercise. Have YOU been challenging yourself? Have YOU been exercising? If you reached Day 5 of my wicked Ab-Flab Buster Workout, then mix up your workouts by creating different combos. If you didn’t make…

Wooohoooo it’s Thursday which means the weekend is coming soon! How has your week been? Have you moved forward with any of your goals? Have you challenged yourself this week? If you want to get that sexy stomach, improve your fitness, feel healthier, more confident and become happier you MUST CHALLENGE yourself. When we overcome challenges, you get…

What a fantastic fresh, crisp, sunny monday.   Are you ready to get ‘back on it’ after the w/e? Have you got your ‘game face on’? Is your positive attitude in check?   Whether you just woke up this holiday Monday or been at work for hours….it’s STILL Monday. Its STILL another opportunity to work…

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