I hope you had a great w/e….pretty crazy huh??!   We’re in the last week of April and who would of thought we’d have FOUR seasons in ONE day?!   There may be snow outside AND it’s Monday but all the MORE reason to inject some motivation into ourselves.   If our goals got put on hold because of the weather, we would NEVER achieve them.   With April ending and…

How’s your week going?   Are you making time for yourself?  Are you on point with your nutrition & workouts? Are you ENJOYING the process?   Winter’s has GONE, the need for jackets, big jumpers, loose/baggy clothing and scarves to cover us up….GONE.   With Summer is on it’s way, holidays, beaches, sunshine and the need to wear…

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine over the w/e and have kick started your week off well.   However, if you’re feeling that Mondayitis and just can’t be ar*ed (hey, it happens to us all sometimes) remember you have 3 choices…   1. Give Up. 2. Give In. 3. Give 100%. Aaaand there’s only ONE choice you won’t regret!…

I hope you’re having a great week.   We’re now officially HALF way through April (scary I know) so I just wanted to see how this month is working out for you?   Is your eating on point? Are you making time to workout? Are you feeling happier in yourself?   Sometimes we fall OFF the wagon, LOSE our motivation and FORGET to…

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extra-ordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible – Cherie Carter-Scott.   After finishing 4th, just out of medal contention in the 1500 meters of the 1952 Olympics, British track athlete…

How’s your Easter w/e going? Enjoy spending time with the fam? Over-indulge and need to get ‘back on it’?!   Here’s a little snippet of what I got up to.   And hey, even managed to incorporate a Tip of The Day: So whether you’re working or have the day off… This is your 1st OFFICIAL Monday of…

How’s April working out for you so far? Only 2 days in but how you START something is just as important how you FINISH.   With Easter looming and all those chocolatey temptations kickin’ about…   How are you coping?   Make sure you’re making time for YOU and squeezing in those workouts especially if you struggle with self control at…

Today’s blog is being written with an XXL Monday smile…   After attending The Prestigious Awards International event on Saturday, I’m over the moon to say I am officially ‘Female Role Model of The Year 2015’!   Woop Woooop – exciting stuff!   I’d like to say a MAHOOSIVE thank you to everyone who kindly took the time to vote for me, I’m chuffed to…

WOW it’s Thursday already and the LAST one of March… Jeeezo – Didn’t it just feel like Christmas?!    Time’s passing quickly and unfortunately that’ll never change so how YOU spend your time is extremely important.   I don’t have time for ‘this’… I don’t have time for ‘that’… I never seem to have time to do ANYTHING!…

Happy 1st week of Spring! And LAST week of the ‘Make it Happen’ March Challenge…   How’s it been working out for you? How has your time gone? How do you feel NOW compared to Day 1?   If you’ve been committed to the challenge I have know doubt you’ll feel friggin’ AWESOME after you do your final round…

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