Happy 1st of June!! Yup we’re officially half way through the year but…   How are YOU feeling about that? How’s everything working out for you?   One of the most eye opening things I discovered when I got into the fitness industry is the amount of people who GIVE UP before reaching their goals. These are people who simply…

31 weeks TODAY and it’s Hogmany! – Pretty Scary huh? That means you have 217 days to hit your goals you set for 2015.   Still waiting for Monday or a few weeks before your hols? When IS that ‘perfect time’ to get in the best shape of your life?   Here’s my Top 6 Tips to get started:  …

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! (again) Pretty sure we just had one of these, lol. Anyhoo, whether you have the day off or you’re working your butt off… It’s STILL monday and STILL the last week of May.   How’s that Mental May Challenge going?   Not only are we in the last week of the challenge meaning you’ve been…

How’s your week going? How’s your mindset any positivity levels?   If you’ve been doing the ‘Mental May’ Challenge, I have NO doubt you’re beginning to re-train your brain and are naturally feeling better in yourself.   Missed it? Check it out: https://www.ldpt.co.uk/?p=1258   Getting AWESOME results from exercise is one thing but to wake up and genuinely feel mentally stronger and happier…

Imagine wakening up in the morning feeling FULL of life. Imagine you look in the mirror and LOVE what you see. Imagine stopping that ‘I feel fat’ train.   Pretty amazing huh??! Can YOU ever achieve this?   Hell’s yeah and I’m about to show you how…   HEADS UP:   This blog contains BODY & LIFE changing information however only women will…

How’s your week going? How’s the ‘Mental May Challenge’ working out for you? More importantly are YOU closer to your goals? If you missed ‘The Mental May’ Challenge rules, check it out: https://www.ldpt.co.uk/?p=1258 I REALLY hope you’ve been jumping on board the Mental May train and if you’ve not started yet, hey it’s NEVER too late!   Kick…

Hands up if you were hungover at the w/e? Hands up if you weren’t hungover but had a drink? Hands up if you’re still struggling with your fatloss goals? If you put your hand up TWICE we may have just found a solution to your problem. It’s shouldn’t really come as a suprise that alcohol + fatloss are…

‘Today I choose to prioritize and keep calm’   Knowing I have a mahoosive ‘to do’ list and only so many hours in the day, life can get pretty stressful…(sound familiar).   Cue NEGATIVE thoughts, EXCESSIVE eating, NON productiveness and ultimately a SH*T day.   So.. This was my positive thought / affirmation this morning.   I re-wrote my to-do list in order of…

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! Whether you’re at work, playing with the kids or reading this laying in bed…   Take 30secs and answer the following 3 questions:   What was the 1st thought when you woke up this morning? What was your 1st thought when you looked in the mirror? What was your first thought…

I hope you’re having a great week. Officially the last day of April…   How’s it been working out for you? Have you managed to hit your goals this month?   I’ve lost track of the number of people I’ve heard this month alone saying they STILL haven’t lost weight and they’re STILL not where they…

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