Holy Macaroni – half way through the year! 2 weeks today and it’s officially Summer. How exciting is that? From BBQ’s, outdoor fitness classes, hitting beer gardens, having fun at the park, laying out in the back garden, topping up the tan. The finer weather can bring an INCREDIBLE amount of…
🔥 Lose X amount of fat in X days 🔥 With Summer officially landing 3 weeks tomorrow, these kind of false claims are EVERYWHERE. I can tell you not to believe these kind of crazy claims but instead, I wanted to explain WHY. To arm you with knowledge and give you power…
I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. Did you try my super quick & tasty Choc Chip Protein Ball recipe I posted last week? Check it out here if you missed it Today, I just wanted to share some EXCITING news with you and also ask if you…
I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine – a fab taster of what’s hopefully to come. With only 5 weeks till Summer officially lands, it’s a super exciting, however for many, a super stressful time. I feel fat. I need to cover my arms. My belly’s so big right…
I hope you had a good weekend. Hopefully you also read my blog last Monday about 5 things you need to AVOID when it comes to weightloss. All those things really are essential to prevent you wasting your precious time and money. If you missed it – tap here and check it!!…
Happy Bank Holiday Monday. Wowzers, how did we get here so fast?! However, not complaining – it’s been fab to get some decent weather. Yesterday was lush. Finally….out with the ‘Winter wardrobe’ and in with the ‘Summer wardrobe’ Although, I could be wrong, but I’m guessing most people reading this…
OH…M…G – I did it!! My exact thoughts after being told some AMAZING news last week. But first, let me set the scene. Last year I won ‘PT Specialist of the Year’ with the Corporate LiveWire Prestige Awards. If you’ve been reading my blogs or following me on social media for…
Happy Easter Monday! Go on….hands up if you consumed a LARGER amount of calories than usual this weekend. Yup, confession time – mine’s up (I’m human). Copious amounts of alcohol, Lindt bunnies, chocolate orange mini eggs, Reece’s pieces mini eggs, jelly babies and the rest….sooo good. However, this is not my…
The kids are on holiday, it’s sunny, it’s raining, it’s the weekend…..bla bla blaa. We give ourselves so many reasons NOT to do things. Things that will ultimately help us lead a much healthier and happier life! So today’s blog is super short, simple and PERFECT if you feel like you’ve fallen…
The kid’s holidays have officially landed – Oh look….SNOW! lol. Whyyyy does the weather always turn pants when the holidays come? Anyway, don’t worry cause I’m here with a ‘lifeline’. Whether you have kids and are desperately looking for something to keep them entertained….even for a short time. Or child free…