And hellooooo FEEL GOOD Friday!!
Sometimes the most AMAZING things in life are the little things.
The ones that make SMILE.
Make you PROUD.
And make you realize, whatever you’re doing – it’s paying off.
Dug out some warmer hiking trousers on account of it being baltic today.
The size 12s fit! Ok, they have some Lycra in them, but I couldn’t get into them back in the spring #progress.
Whoohoo, so the boys I walk with every lunchtime have been telling me my butt is improving whatever that means… lol.
But just got asked today at work by two random people in the office” You losing weight” Ya Hoo awesome Xmas pressie to myself.
My tum has been feeling less bloated so measured this morning – down 1.5 inches.
Weigh in day at the hospital.
Normally every 2 months but shocked myself that I’d lost just over 3 kg since September and 5kg from June.
Not great at converting to stone but I’m pretty happy with the most recent one.
I put it down to The Max Experience giving me that added kick up the butt.
So my motivation has gone through the roof.
I’m heading to the pool tomorrow for the first time in a very long time (I’m not a confident swimmer!) and have organised to walk with a friend on Friday.
Also I would normally have a wee glass of wine on a Wednesday but not even slightly in the mood for that tonight plus I don’t have any in the house.
This is just a TASTER of what’s been happening to people who joined my online membership area – The MAX Experience.
Here’s a sneaky peak of what it’s all about.
If you’d like to enjoy those amazing, little, life changing ‘FEEL GOOD’ moments too.
To bounce back this year and make it RIDICULOUSLY amazing.
Be quick.
Doors close in 2 days or until spaces run out – there’s only a handful left!
Grab a place here:
Lee ‘loves the little things’ Donald x
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Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
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