➡  Hands up if you ‘over indulged’ at the weekend?


Yuuup – we’ve all been there!!


But one of the BEST things about a Monday is that it’s a new day and fresh start.


So whenever I have abit of a ‘blow out’, I use a Monday to start sorting my sh*t out and making better choices.


I also don’t waste time feeling guilty or stressing about something I can’t change.


 ➡  It happened, right?


Nobody ever dropped a dress size from eating healthy one weekend just like nobody ever got fat from indulging one weekend.


What we do most of the time is much more important that what we do some of the time.


Today marks the start of a brand new week.


So my best advice is to focus on the present, stop feeling guilty and start chasing your goals again.


 ➡  ‘But I just don’t feel motivated Lee’.


I know, believe me – I hear ya.


Unfortunately motivation will come and go which is why it’s important to plan and build strong habits in place so on the days when you can’t be bothered.


You’re disciplined enough to still get stuff done, make progress and achieve your goals.


I struggle, just like you.


But I always keep a positive mindset and continue to succeed because I’m brutally honest with myself.


I have ALL the excuses everyone else has but I know deep down, nothing is physically stopping me….apart from me.


It’s a hard, unpopular truth but when it comes down to it.


  • Nobody is going to come ‘save’ you.
  • Nobody is going to wave a ‘magic motivation stick’.
  • And sadly nobody cares whether you look good.
  • Nobody cares if you fit your clothes better.
  • And nobody cares if you feel confident or happy looking in the mirror.


Your happiness is your responsibility.


If you don’t care enough about your health & happiness to put in the effort and make changes, sadly nothing will change.


But the EXCITING part is that even if you commit to making the smallest of changes each day.


They soon add up!!


✅ Drinking more water.

✅ Getting more steps in.

✅ Cutting down on alcohol.

✅ Watching your portion sizes.

✅ Planning your meals/exercise.

✅ ‘Closing the kitchen’ in the evening.

✅ Practising more positive self talk.

✅ Giving yourself reasons why you should instead of shouldn’t

✅ Stressing less about the past and focusing more on the present.


Commit to just ONE thing today.


Repeat for the next 7 days.


And by this time next week, you’ll already be in a better place than you are now.


If you’d like extra help and support to look better and feel happier yourself – just get in touch.



Only 2 Day To Go!!


This the FINAL call, if you’d like to join me this Wednesday 26th March at the Beach Ballroom for my ‘Into The Death Zone’ Everest talk.


Check out this short video I shared on my socials yesterday of when I saw Everest for the 1st time with my own eyes.


Such a surreal and emotional moment.



Going from beginner to Everest in only one year….it was an incredibly hard journey to simply get to this point.


Who knew, less than 6 weeks from taking this video, I would literally be standing on top of the world!!


Grab Your Tickets Here


Lee ‘getting excited to share my story’ Donald x



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