✅ World Mental Health Day 2024 – Thursday 10th October.


If you’ve even read a couple of my blogs, you’ll know that mental health and building a positive mindset is something I ALWAYS promote.


Mostly because I’ve been there.


Sucked into the vortex of depression, crippled by an eating disorder, plagued with mental health issues, alcohol addiction along with other demons.


For years I didn’t see a light.


I thought I’d die before I even reached my 18th birthday.


I tried everything from counselling, psychiatrists, psychologist, a life coach, being an outpatient at Cornhill to many other things.


Then, after years of trying to better myself.


Speaking about my problems.


Acknowledging and owning.


And finally…finding fitness.


Things only really began to change in 2011 when I qualified as a Personal Trainer.


I’ve worked on my mental health everyday since, and now, am in a much stronger position where I can reach out and try help others.


I’ve gone from such a dark place to achieving things I never even dreamed of.


From representing Scotland at both a European & World Obstacle Course Racing Championship a few years ago, ironically on World Mental Health Day.


️ Facing my fears, conquering Mount Everest and standing on top of the highest mountain in the world exactly 21 weeks ago today.


To heading to The Prestige Awards in Edinburgh next Sunday 20th October and picking up my 28th business award:

‘Female Fitness Entrepreneur of The Year 2024′.


I still pinch myself sometimes and very humbled by the fact, the ‘old me’ is now a ‘better me’ and able to achieve these things.


Moral of The Story?


If you’re reading this and struggling.


If you’re in a dark place, thinking there’s no hope or on the verge of giving up.


If you don’t think life will ever get better.


I can hand on heart tell you – you’re wrong.


There’s ALWAYS a light (however dim) and you just need to find the right support that works for you.


It’s never too late to turn your life around.


Asking for help or talking about your mental health issues is not a sign of weakness.


It’s an essential part of recovery.


And hope by being open about my struggles, I can encourage you to do the same.


Here’s some tips and things I’d like to share that have helped me and hopefully may help you along your journey:


❤️ Don’t be afraid to ask for help, often the hardest thing to do but the most important step to take.


❤️ Be kind to yourself – nothing in the world will matter or have emotional value if you don’t love (or at least like) yourself.


❤️ You matter. You’re important. The world is not a better place without you.


❤️ Surround yourself with people who lift you up – positivity breads positivity.


❤️ Do more of the things you enjoy.


❤️ Exercise daily – without a doubt the most underutilised antidepressant available.


❤️ Life won’t change overnight but that doesn’t mean it can’t change.


❤️ It’s ok to not be ok.


❤️ There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel – it just takes some us longer to reach it.


❤️ Never apologise for being you.


❤️ Help others – it’s amazing how this can make you feel.


❤️ It’s not your fault.


❤️ The only person who can truly help you – is you.


❤️ Life won’t get better by chance, take that next step.


❤️ Everyone needs a support network.


❤️ Learn from yesterday, live for today, plan for tomorrow.


❤️ You always have choices.


❤️ A negative mind will never lead a positive life – stop focusing on the ‘bad’ things and focus on the ‘good’.


❤️ Never underestimate what you’re capable of.


❤️ Yes, you can.


I know this blog won’t magically turn your life around but I hope it can help inspire your to reach out to those around you and start making some small changes.


If you found this helpful and think someone else may benefit from hearing this too, please share it.


Lee ‘always inspiring to be better’ Donald x



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