To all the mums out there who LOVE their children but…
Are rather excited their little darlings are officially back at school next week so they can get some time for themselves and get back on track.
To say goodbye to:
Feeling tired, sluggish, stressed and those stubborn Summer holiday wobbly bits.
And hellooo to:
Regaining your confidence, clothes fitting better and just feeling HAPPIER with how you look/feel.
Perhaps you’re not a mum and just want to get fitter, stronger and feel sexy again.
Either way, it’s time to get EXCITED.
I have the perfect way to help you bring sexy back this September and it couldn’t be easier.
Simply stay tuned to my blog next Monday 22nd August!!
I’ll be sharing all the juicy details of a banging ‘Back to School Competition’ with some AMAZING prizes for you aaaand a friend that you really don’t want to miss.
However, I can tell you…
The option to enter will be via my Lee Donald Personal Training Facebook page.
If you haven’t already, it would be awesome if you gave it a little ‘like’ so you don’t miss it.
Until then,
I thought I’d leave you with a super simple, tasty, high protein recipe from my award winning online coaching platform The MAX Experience.
And yes – all recipes have a barcode to scan straight into MyFitnessPal to save you precious time.
Baked Chicken with Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Cheese.
Enjoy and stay tuned : )
Lee ‘loves a competition’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training