One week today and some major restrictions will be lifted – pretty exciting huh?


How are you feeling about that?

More importantly, how are you feeling in yourself?


I could be wrong, but I suspect you may be like most of the UK population right now.


Keen to shed some pounds, feel more confident and comfortable in your clothes, have more energy and just look & feel your best for when those restrictions lift and Summer finally lands.


So I thought I’d share some quick & simple tips to help you get your waistline, confidence, energy and mental health on the right track.


Let’s jump straight in.


1. Don’t stress or beat yourself up about what’s happened


The past is the past – you can’t change it,


It’s crazy to ruin today stressing about what did or didn’t happen yesterday.


Dwelling on things only makes us miserable so a good idea to ‘draw a line under it’, move on and focus on the present.


2. Remember you’re still in control


It may not feel like you are right now.


Sure, certain things are still restricted, however there’s still LOADS we can control.


– What you eat/drink

– When you go to bed/get up

– What your wear

– What mood you’re in

– How productive you are

– Whether you workout

– Whether you plan your meals

– When you do your food shop

– Whether you make yourself a priority


That old saying, life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we choose to deal with it is 100% true.


Let’s stop wishing our way our life till we get back to ‘normality’ and try live it the best each day we can .


3. Plan


Success never happens by chance.


Plan your meals/snacks (even just a day before), plan the days/times of your workouts.


Plan that YOU time.


Write it down in your phone, diary or whatever you use.


When things are written down, you’re 42% more likely to make them happen!!


4. Get on the water


Aim for at least 2 litres daily but if you’re nowhere near that just try to consume a little more each day till you get there.


Being hydrated helps curbs cravings, gives you more energy, flushes out toxins and aids every bodily function to enable you to look and feel better.


If you’re like me and not a fan of straight up water, try no added sugar Vimto.


5. Calorie deficit for the win


Without a calorie deficit, you won’t shed any bodyfat – period.


A calorie deficit means consuming less calorie than you burn.


Using MyFitnessPal (free app to download) is a really easy way to track this and remove any guesswork which in turn will get your better, faster results.


But if you don’t want to use MFP then just use abit of common sense.


ie. Don’t eat and drink like a twat.



Try not drink your calories such as lattes, fizzy drinks, OJ, etc or at least limit them.


Limit alcohol to once a week.



Aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks each day.


You can also use your hand for an idea of portion size.



6. Pump in the protein & veg


The reason many people have been over-eating since lockdown began is primarily stress, anxiety and boredom.


However this can also happen because we’re not full and therefore experience more cravings.


Protein helps keep us FULLER for longer and amazing the difference you’ll notice when your protein levels are on point.


Aim to have it at all meals and if possible some snacks too.


Doing a quick Google search of high protein snacks, meals, etc can be really useful.


Adding veg to the mix means you’ll also increase your fibre, benefit from loads of vitamins & minerals and be able to enjoy a bigger plate with LESS calories.


7. Get your butt moving


Burning calories doesn’t just happen when we workout.


EVERYTHING you do throughout the day counts.


This is known as your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) and where 10,000 steps come in.


Even if you don’t get a workout in – get moving, because being active isn’t just about burning calories.


Getting up and off our butt makes a HUGE difference to our mindset and mental health.



8. Short & effective home workouts is where it’s at


If you’re not quite sure what to do, not fan of the gym or don’t have any equipment.


Then check out my award winning online coaching hub The MAX Experience exclusively for women.


From 10min workouts, weekly LIVE workouts, dance workouts – you’ll never get bored.


There’s LOADS of support, motivation and daily coaching to make sure you’re always on the right track.


A private Facebook, weekly check ins, live Q&A’s, challenges, recipes, a super friendly community of women, social events, plus more.


If you haven’t already,


Test drive it for 7 days for FREE and see what it’s all about.


There’s zero risk and no payment details are required.


And hey,


If you love it as much I think you will and want to sign up, it’ll only cost you £5 p/w (cancel anytime).


Despite significantly expanding since 2015 when I first created it.


The MAX Experience has remained crazy affordable offering more and more value for money because….


I genuinely want to help as many women as possible learn how to ditch the diet, workout smarter not longer, look great, feel amazing and live their best life!!


If you’re thinking ‘Lee, that’s exactly what I want to make happen’.


Jump onboard and join the Team.


Lee ‘helping women look & feel their best since 2011’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training

Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

Instagram – LeeDonald

Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training


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