I know, I know.
I’m breaking the norm blogging more this week but I also know life get’s busy, people forget and I just didn’t want to you to miss out.
So here’s one last little reminder.
Pre-Registration to The MAX Experience & MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal closes tomorrow @ 7pm.
When it closes, the ridiculously good, early bird special offer will also disappear.
If you’d like a stress free fatloss plan in place for January knowing you’ll have ALL the support and motivation you need to get back on track.
And get a whopping 50% off your 1st month (no contract/cancel any time).
This is your last chance.
The MAX Experience (Pre Registration):
The MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal (Pre-Registration):
Not quite convinced yet?
Here’s 12 ways The MAX Experience will change your life.
1. Get Amazing Results From Home
No heading out in cold, wet, Wintery days.
No extra time needed to commute to the gym.
No intimidation, people judging, staring at you or feeling self conscious.
2. Make Your Workouts Fit Your Busy Schedule
Each workout is only 10mins.
Whether you have time for 10, 20 or 30mins.
Even the busiest of people can feel healthier, happier and get RESULTS.
3. Never Workout For Longer Than 30mins
Experience training SMARTER not longer.
4. Never Diet Again
From educational videos, weekly tips, recipes to meal plan ideas you’ll be armed with KNOWLEDGE.
Take control, make better food choices and find the balance, allowing you eat anything you like and still experience life long results.
5. Weekly Check Ins & Monthly Team Reviews For Accountability
Accountability is one of the KEY components of success!!
6. Be Part of A Fantastic Group of Like-Minded Women
When women support other women – amazing things happen.
From sharing each others struggles to celebrating each other’s success the support of The MAX Experience group is PRICELESS.
7. Unlimited Access To Me Personally
Ree-diculous value for money.
I’ll teach and guide you through the whole way.
8. Start 2020 Happier & Less Stressed
Forget that post Christmas panic and stressing about how to get back on track.
9. Never Get Bored
We have an awesome selection of workout videos.
NEW content is also added monthly.
10. Change Your Life For Less Than A Pizza
At only £19.99 a month The MAX Experience has been called a ‘no brainer’.
Pre-Register and get your 1st month for only £9.99!!
11. No Contract, No Small Print, No Fuss
Cancel ANY time.
12. Transform Into ‘Wonder Women’
Ok so I lied.
It won’t actually turn you into Wonder Women but…
You’ll definitely FEEL like a sexy, confident and powerful superhero : )
Just hit the link below and we’ll get kickstarted in January!
Sign me up:
Lee ‘preparing to close the doors’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training