Happy Sunday.
I hope you’re enjoying the 1st official festive w/e : )
If you’re like me and indulged in a mince pie or 3 (sorry not sorry) then this blog is definitely for you.
I NEVER blog on a Sunday unless I have some super important and exciting news so here goes.
Pre-Registration to The MAX Experience & MAX Experience Pre/post Natal officially opens tomorrow @ 7am.
What is that?
How does it work?
Why should I be interested?
Hit the relevant link below:
The MAX Experience
The MAX Experience Pre/Post Natal
Here’s what MAX Member Alana posted a few days ago.
Whether it’s losing 2.5 stone.
Or having the best pre/post natal support.
I’m so excited to help every woman who jumps onboard experience the same level of success.
But just a heads up.
I like to keep the service of what I deliver high which means there’s a limited number pre-registration places available.
If you’d like to secure a place.
To grab yourself a whopping 50% off and kickstart January with a plan in place to make 2020 a better year than ever….without having to join a gym.
Just make sure to stay tuned to my blog/social media and hit that sign up link tomorrow or before everybody else.
This crazy, early bird special offer will disappear on Sunday 8th December @ 7pm when pre-registration closes.
Last year, all places sold out before I had the chance to close the doors.
Lee ‘preparing to launch’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training