Hopefully by reading my blogs each week you know – I LOVE helping people.
Well this particular person I helped lives all the way over in ALASKA!
And she wanted to come thank me in person (in Aberdeen) for helping her literally transform her life – in less than 6 months.
Mary had been like most people and tried EVERYTHING to lose weight.
You name it, she tried it but just couldn’t make any progress.
Until her daughter recommended my award winning online health, fitness & nutrition hub – The MAX Experience.
That’s when Mary’s life really began to change.
Here’s what Mary said:
‘I want you to know that you have inspired me so much.
I am down 23 lbs since January 1st and my pants are almost falling off of me.
It feels so good to be under 150 lbs again.
I can not begin to tell you how much your enthusiasm and encouragement has helped me to begin new habits.
I have not missed a day of 11000+ steps even when I was sick.
I have increased my cycling now that the snow is gone and I have cycled just over 1000 miles since January first.
Most of that was indoors on my trainer but I have put in a couple hundred miles outside already.
I can feel the difference in my strength and endurance on the bike.
I am keeping up with my hubby too.
I am making daily choices to eat healthier and drink more water.
I am looking at my journey as a daily step and although I have cut the sweets from my diet I am not depriving myself of a dessert if it’s truly what I want.
I am being way more selective though it has to be something amazing and I make sure I don’t over do.
You and The MAX Experience have helped me to build a great foundation and I know that I will continue to make progress on my healthy lifestyle.
I will be travelling to Scotland near the end of May and I am hoping to contact you while I am there to say thank you in person.
But for now I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing blessing you have been for me these past months.
You were definitely what I needed’.
Absolutely incredible.
If you’re reading this thinking, I wish I could lose weight and get amazing results like Mary.
You most definitely CAN.
And I’ll show you how.
How to make small changes that = huge results.
How to eat chocolate, drink wine and still lose weight.
How to lose that weight and KEEP it off!
How to never workout for longer than 30mins.
All for less than the cost of a few coffees.
Aaand it gets even better!!
My Jelly Belly June ‘too good not to grab’ special offer is valid till Sunday 16th June.
Sign up before then and get a cracking 50% off your 1st month.
Sign me up Lee:
Yup for £9.99 you’ll have access to over 100 home workouts, tasty recipes, educational videos, our private FB group, weekly check ins and so much more.
No contract, no fuss – you can cancel anytime with the click of a button.
If you’re ready to trade a few coffees this month for the opportunity to transform your body/life just like Mary and myself have done.
Hit that sign up button and let’s get started : )
Lee ‘loves her job’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training