And helloooooo ‘Make it Happen’ March!!


If you didn’t ‘jump start’ January.


If you did not ‘feel good’ this Feb.


Then get excited for March because NOW is your time to shine.


I know how tough it can be to lose weight, get on track, go to work, be a mum and try deal with a million other things life throws at you.


Which is why today, I going to share with you why so many people fail and simple ways how YOU can succeed.


Top 5 Reasons People Fail


1. Lack of Time


With work, family and other time commitments, people have LESS time than ever to exercise.




Find a program / activity that’s not time consuming.


Exercise is intensity, not time dependent.


That means you can spend less time getting better results simply by training smarter.


That’s why every home workout in The MAX Experience is only 10 mins and you don’t need to waste time travelling to/from a gym.


They’re super quick, easy to follow, press play and GO.


Here’s an exclusive and cheeky taster.



2. No Support, Motivation or Accountability


Even the most successful people have a support network.




Get a workout partner or join a team.


Accountability is an ESSENTIAL element to success.


In The MAX Experience we have weekly check ins and monthly team reviews to keep you on track and ensure you’re making progress.


We also have an AMAZING community of women in our private Facebook group who are all there to support and cheer each other on.


3. Boredom


Doing the SAME things over and over again gets boring very quickly and trying to stick to a boring program becomes impossible.




Switch it Up.


Keeping things exciting and fresh means you’ll enjoy it.


If you enjoy something you’ll stick at it.


And that my friend = RESULTS!


With over 90 and counting short, fun workouts there’s no danger of ever getting bored with The MAX Experience.


4. Doing Too Much Too Soon


Possibly the most COMMON mistake people make when they begin any fitness program.




Take it ONE step at a time.


Changing too much at once is setting yourself up to fail from the start.


In The MAX Experience we focus on the basics (small changes that = BIG results) and finding the right balance.


You do not need to give up alcohol and chocolate.


Each week, we aim to improve on these basics till they become habit and simply part of your lifestyle.


5. Frustrated with Lack of Results


We ALL wants results and we want them yesterday.




Ensure your goals are realistic.


You are NOT going to lose a stone in a week.


In The MAX Experience we keep things super simple with lots of short, educational videos helping you get started correctly.


We break everything down into ‘easy to achieve’ bite size goals, give you realistic calories to aim for and set you up for success.


If you want the easiest and quickest way to get results while still having time for your family and enjoying life…


My award winning health & fitness hub The MAX Experience really is a game changer.


‘Wow I’m liking the sound of The MAX Experience Lee’


‘How much is it and how can I sign up?’


Check it out here:


Lee ‘making it simple for women to succeed’ Donald x



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