I hope you’re having a great week.


More importantly, I hope you took ACTION after Monday’s blog.


Now you know just HOW important protein is to your success in your quest to lose weight, get toned and feel sexy.


Did you calculate how much protein you need?


Are you managing to hit that target DAILY?


(or at least pushing closer to it).

If you missed how much protein you should be consuming and WHY it’s sooo important to achieve your goals


Click here


And I’m going to be HONEST.


If you’ve said the SAME thing year after year after year….after year.


‘I really want to lose weight.’


‘I wish I could stop eating so much crap all the time.’


‘I’d love to feel confident in my bikini/swimsuit on holiday.’




THIS is the ‘secret little pill’ you’ve been waiting for.


It’s not fancy, it’s not magical and it requires abit of effort.


In my free ‘Feel Good Feb’ Challenge…


(click on the link you scrolled past for details)


I’m literally spoon feeding you ALL the tools you need to take control, get your body and confidence back and change your life.


But YOU have to use them.

Need MORE help.


I’ve got you covered.


Here’s my top favourite snacks for fatloss:



Lee ‘got your back’ Donald x



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Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite

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