How are you getting on?
We’re over half way through the 1st week of my FREE ‘Feel Good Feb’ Challenge so…
I just wanted to check in and give you a little motivational NUDGE.
Have you been hitting Goal No.1 yet?
With the weekend coming up it’s more important than EVER to focus on it.
If you’ve not been SHOCKED yet….I suspect that may come!!
(infact you’ll find something pretty shocking at the bottom of this blog).
And how’s the workout going?
If you missed what it’s all about and want in on the FEEL GOOD action.
Check it out and jump onboard – it’s NEVER too late!!
FREE Feel Good Feb Challenge
The aim is to help you get fitter faster, spend less time getting better results and creating good habits you can sustain for the rest of your LIFE!
The opportunity’s there but nobody’s going to force you.
You have to CHOOSE to change and choose to take action.
And hey, don’t forget.
I’m going to help you as much as I possibly can so let’s start REALLY making 2018 your year to shine.
If you’ve got any questions about anything just bounce them back.
Here’s that something ‘shocking’:
Lee ‘willing you to succeed’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training