I hope you had a great w/e.
My w/e and last day out the office involved a road trip, fireworks, bagpipers, freezing water, broken ice, barbed wire, cargo nets, ditches, jumping into lakes and lots more.
It was EPIC but with all that over.
BOOOM – hellooo reality.
2nd week of January, kids back to school, many back to work and no more excuses.
Christmas has GONE.
New Year….GONE.
With 2018 firmly under our feet and still feeling the consequences of our poor food/drink choices – cue PANIC!!
So what do you do…
Go on the latest fad diet?
Say you’ll never drink alcohol or eat chocolate again?
Tell yourself your going to workout EVERY day?
Yes change is good but too much change at once is literally setting yourself up to FAIL.
Here’s how to make 2018 a simple SUCCESS.
Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Start small.
Small changes = BIG results.
As always, I’m here to help so will start by giving you an AWESOME free MAX Experience taster to help you beat the bloat, burn fat and get you back on track.
Followed by these easy steps.
1. Aim to do the workout 2-3 times this week.
It’s TEN minutes, no excuses remember : )
2. Aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water daily.
3. Cut down on the excess crap (sugary food + alcohol).
4. Pump in the veg and protein.
5. Sign up to The MAX Experience next Mon 15th Jan!!
You’ll never have to workout for longer than 30mins.
Never never need to join a gym.
Never need to go on a ‘diet’ again.
And gain incredible support from me PERSONALLY along with a whole community of other like minded women.
Only 7 Days To Launch!!
Lee ‘making success simple’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training