After enjoying an action packed yet equally relaxing long w/e away with my family last week.
It feels FANTASTIC to be back.
Call me crazy but I LOVE my job and I also love being in a routine.
When the holidays hit, it always causes a little ‘chaos’.
We get up and go to bed at DIFFERENT times.
We’re taken OUTSIDE our usual environment.
Workouts go out the window and we generally just find it more CHALLENGING to keep ourselves on track.
Aaaand THAT’S what I’m here to help you with.
To make it as EASY as possible for you to look and feel your very best BEFORE the festive season begins.
Whether you want to get started NOW or just relax during the October hols knowing you’ve got a PLAN in place.
My exclusive ‘Operation October’ offers will not get you in AMAZING shape but also SAVE you pennies at the same time.
The food and drink you consume will determine whether you reach your goal or NOT, that’s just a fact.
What we eat and drink directly affects our energy, mood, health and how we look/feel so getting your food right is one of THEE most important places to start.
Ever been on a diet? – yup they SUCK!
Which is why I’m excited to give you the chance to grab a whopping £20 OFF a fully personalized 6 Week Nutrition Plan.
Usually £115 – now only £95!
No crazy diet or starving yourself, simply creating healthy meals and habits around the food you ENJOY.
All plans are flexible and NOTHING is off the menu.
(yes, even chocolate and wine).
If you’d like to eat the foods you LOVE aaaand get the RESULTS you want before the festive season kicks off.
Grab this one-off offer and get more info here:
** Offer valid until Sunday 29th Oct **
To lose weight – getting your nutrition on point definitely comes FIRST.
But if you want to feel fitter, stronger, flatten your tummy, get that toned, sexy look and ACCELERATE your weight loss.
You’re gonna need some full body, fat BLASTING, body SHAPING, mood BOOSTING workouts.
And THAT’S where The BodyMax Network comes in.
3 unique women only fitness classes that put FUN into fitness and get results.
No gym.
No membership required.
And now…
You can grab £5 OFF a 5 class Loyalty Card.
(usually £35 – now only £30!)
Want to know WHERE, WHEN and WHAT my classes are all about?
Click here:
*Terms & Conditions*
Booking must be made – simply contact me via text on 07510054788.
Payment made via bank transfer.
Only 1 Loyalty Card person.
** Offer valid until Fri 27th Oct **
If you have ANY questions about either of these offers, I’m happy to help : )
Little reminder – both offers are LIMITED and won’t be around forever.
If you’d like to take control, save pennies, feel fabulous and get in the BEST shape of your life this October.
Grab them while you can.
Lee ‘happy to be back’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training