Happy 1st Day of Summer!!


2 litres of water and 10,000 steps on a DAILY basis.


Oooft that’s some GREAT habits to have and a fantastic start to get rid of a Jelly Belly and feel SEXY this Summer.


2 weeks and 2 challenges down.
2 to go and hopefully you’re keeping Week 1 & 2 going!!


Miss them?


Week 1


Week 2


But drinking enough water and becoming more active are only 2 pieces of the ‘Jelly Belly’ puzzle.


So what’s another piece??




Eat More Protein.


Unless you’re really into your nutrition and fitness, from my experience,


I’m guessing the majority of people reading this do NOT eat enough protein.


But if you want to LOSE fat and improve how your body LOOKS and functions then eating sufficient protein is essential.


Here’s 3 reasons why:


1. Helps keep you FULLER for longer.


2. Has a THERMIC effect up to 30%.


Thermic effect of food (TEF) is the energy you use to eat, digest and metabolize food.


Therefore essentially if you consume 100 calories of protein it really works out to around 70.


3. Helps BUILD a repair your muscle.

= more lean muscle
= higher metabolism
= burn more calories
= goodbye jelly belly


But exactly HOW much should you be consuming?


This will be different for everyone and based on numerous factors such as height, weight, activity level, etc and for FATLOSS,


could be anything from 1.8g – 2.7g of protein per kg of bodyweight.


But to keep it SIMPLE (we like that)


Lets keep it on average to 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight.


I’m about 73kg = 146 grams of protein (73 x 2)


If you want to calculate this in calories simply times this number by 4 (there are 4 calories per gram of protein).


146 x 4 = 580 calories of protein per day.


Whether you calculate it by grams (146) or calories (580) it doesn’t matter, write it down and aim to hit that target.


Using My Fitness Pal (free app to download) is a great way to track this.


OK great I need to eat more protein Lee but where can I get it from?


Glad you asked here’s some examples:


Chicken, turkey, ground beef, steak, pork chops, bacon, sausages.


Salmon, haddock, halibut, cod, tuna, sardines, prawns.


Eggs, greek yoghurt, milk, low fat cheese, cottage cheese, quark.


Non dairy
Almond milk, coconut milk, lactose free milk, oat milk, rice milk.


Legumes & Pulses
Navy, black, butter, edamame and kidney beans, lentils, chick peas.


Nuts & Nut Butters
Pistachios, cashew, brazil, walnut, almond butter, cashew butter.


Quinoa, tofu, green peas, broccoli


If you don’t eat much protein then let’s begin with aiming to have at MEAL times (breakfast, lunch, dinner).


Once you’ve hit that, try adding some high protein, healthy SNACKS to your diet.


I’ve made quite a few short videos on my faves so here’s one and stay tuned to Thursday’s blog when I’ll be sharing some more.


Oh and if we’re not already, let’s connect on social media.


I’ll also be posting LOTS of pics of my food this week to help keep you motivated and give you ideas.



Lee ‘also partial to Babybels’ Donald x



Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training



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