Over half way through the week.
How are you getting on with The Jelly Belly June Week 1 Challenge?
Have you completed ‘Cardio Abs’ yet?
Oooft judging by the amazing feedback I’ve been getting you guys are LOVIN’ it : )
If you want to be part of or missed what The JBJ Challenge is all about click here:
And if you need a little extra MOTIVATION head over to my Facebook page (Lee Donald Personal Training) and other social media channels.
I’ve made a post EVERY day about the challenge and will continue to motivate everyone through the entire MONTH.
With the weekend coming towards us make sure you don’t let the GOOD habits you’re creating slide.
The key to banishing that jelly belly and getting results is CONSISTENCY 7 days a week (not just Mon-Fri).
So keep reaching for that…
And stay tuned to Monday’s blog when I’ll be revealing your Jelly Belly June Week 2 Challenge!!
I’m also going to be doing something pretty awesome but for next week and next week ONLY so make sure you don’t miss out!!
Lee ‘jelly belly buster’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training