How was your w/e?
Are you ready for the week ahead?
Are you struggling?
Does curling up in a ball sound amazing right now?
To be honest, on Saturday morning I was definitely feeling the ball curling action – yup even PT’s have ‘off’ days and if you’re on Facebook you may have seen this…
Rubbish sleep.
Not feeling my best.
Not really up for running.
A wicked saturday sweatsesh.
Buzzing for the day ahead.
Feeling like a boss : )
Never underestimate the power of exercise and surrounding yourself with positive people.’
And it’s sooooo true!!
I’ve yet to meet someone who EVER regretted a workout or someone who hasn’t felt their mood LIFT after having a bit of banter with their friends.
And you know what?
It’s OK to not be excited before your workout.
Just put those trainers and make a START, you’ll be amazed once those happy hormones start flowing what you can actually ACHIEVE.
It’s OK to have an ‘off’ day.
You’re human but learn how to pick yourself up and get back ‘ON’ track.
And you know what, if sh*t really does hit the fan and you MISS a workout (gasp), the workout police are NOT going to cuff you and throw you in jail.
So when you feel that motivation dip…
What can YOU do to keep yourself on track?
Here’s 8 Simple Tips:
1. Make yourself a goal.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time framed (SMART).
Having something to aim for gives everything a PURPOSE!
2. PLAN your workouts.
In your phone, diary or wall planner write it down and you’ll more likely get it done.
Not planned a workout today yet?
In Aberdeen?
Only valid TODAY and next Mon – Take advantage of my ‘Operation October’ offer and grab your Monday, mood BOOSTING workout for HALF PRICE!
You can check it out here:
Simply drop me a text on 07510054788 to join in the action : )
3. Tell your partner, family members, friends about your goal so they can SUPPORT you.
Even the most successful people have a support network.
4. Turn your screen saver into your fave POSITIVE quote and change it weekly.
How many times do you look at your phone? – ‘Nuff said.
5. Put a HAPPY picture on (or infront) of your mirror and look at it while getting ready in the morning.
Starting the day with happy vibes and make or break your entire day.
6. Clear your fridge / cupboards of ENERGY zapping, WAISTLINE expanding, GOAL sabotaging crap.
Everything you consume has a direct EFFECT your energy, mood, focus, health and progress.
If you need help to regain CONTROL and get some seriously awesome RESULTS just in time to be rocking those festive parties…
You only have 2 weeks left to grab a crazy £25 OFF a fully customized Nutrition Plan.
You can find more info here (any questions, just ask):
And if you missed my ‘Tip of The Day’ last week…
Add this to almost ANY meal, feel FULLER for longer and curb your CRAVINGS:
7. Pick one day to LEARN one new, simple & healthy recipe.
Life gets BORING eating the same foods.
Pinterest is awesome for ideas.
(find me @ Lee Donald LDPT)
8. Use the POWER of your imagination.
Each time you feel yourself wanting to get into that fetal position and give up, IMAGINE you’ve reached your ultimate goal.
How do you LOOK?
How do you FEEL?
What’s your life like?
Is it worth it?
9. Go to bed by 10.30pm latest and sleep in a batcave.
Lack of sleep = Lack of energy = Lack of motivation!
It’ll also mess with your hormones and send your food cravings into OVERDRIVE.
Oh and make you moody AND affect your energy AND your ‘looks’ AND prevent your body’s ability to burn fat and, and, and, and…
Bottom line, sleep needs to be a PRIORITY.
All those tips will take you MINIMAL effort but hey, a LITTLE but of effort can go a LONG way!!
Facebook me, tweet me – I’d love to hear how you’re getting on.
And if you don’t want to share then just come on over and lets connect : )
Lee ‘moving that motivation ball’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Donald Personal Training