So I’m breaking the ‘rules’ today…
You may or may not have noticed but I blog every Monday and 2nd Thursday.
Which (if you’re counting) means I wouldn’t normally be blogging today BUT it’s officially October and I’m excited about OPERATION OCTOBER kicking off next Monday which will bring you 2 exclusive offers!!
If you missed them, click here:
Aaaand it’s also a chance to keep you updated with a few tips and videos if you missed them.
Want a simple, tasty and healthy snack idea?
Here’s one of my fave ‘go to’ snacks:
Fancy a little challenge?
Warning NOT as easy as it looks!
Want wicked abs and a strong core?
Add this exercise to your workouts:
For full details of this exercise and if you want to keep up to date with ALL my latest tips and videos head over to my Facebook page and subscribe to my Youtube Channel
Happy 1st of October : )
Lee ‘rule breaker’ Donald x
Facebook – Lee Donald Personal Training
Twitter @ LeeDonaldElite
Instagram – LeeDonald
Pinterest – LeeDonald LDPT
Youtube – Lee Donald Personal Training